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energy drinks and the mind


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hiya, i made this thread to discuss energy drinks such as redbull, rockstar, monster, 5-hour power shots,ect, and weather it accualy gives an extra boost of energy.



a healthy balanced diet combined with a vitamin pill that contained all the "energy blend" ingredeints of a normal energy drink, and a placibo drink, and one diet minus the placibo




an energy drink contraining the following combined with the same healthy diet, replacing the pill with the energy drink, but using a placebo pill. and one without the placibo



and one person on a normal diet, with and without neccicary placibos




b2- 3.4 mg






"special blend":

taurine- 1000mg

ginko biloba leaf extract- 150mg

caffeen- 80mg

gaurana seed extract- 25mg

inositol- 25mg

l-caratine- 25mg

panax gingsin extract- 25mg

milk thistle extract- 20mg





to help make the pill seem like a normal vitamin, get most of the special blend ingredients from the diet.





so who thinks its the drink and who thinks its the power of belief?

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thats not the point, the point is to make conditions similer to that of consuming an energy drink to compare the effects of an accual energy drink to the ingredients the make the drink to see if the energy produced is mentaly pushing yourself because you THINK its giving you alot of extra energy, more than the ingredients themselfs, or just the ingredients doing there work.

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Yeah, "energy drink" is really a misnomer. Energy is measured in calories. Hence, the best "energy drink" is probably a milkshake (if you're too squeamish for pure bacon grease). Now, if you want to talk about "alertness drinks," that's a different story.

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Well Id rather have a nice cup of coffe and a cigeret. Cuz im so used to This morning rutine. that im kinda sicologicly addicted to it. Like yes i do drink an energy drink at times. but its mostly at night when im like out at parties or something to hellp me stay awake. but I think its much helther to drink coffe than an energy drink. and as for those 5 hours. No i drank one. and it fellt like my body was duying. like i wanted to throw up but i couldint

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It has sugar as well, most of the other stuff in it is just for show.


They started selling 'Relentless' at work quite recently, which (although I usually read the label) definitely gave me a *temporary boost...after having a can once a day for a few days.


I scanned the ingredients, to find it has over *50g of sugar. I'm guessing, it's mainly the sugar content, more than anything else that's responsible for the 'pick me up.' I quite enjoy coffee, but this (anecdote, I know) is rocket fuel in comparison. However, I now have a sweet tooth, (I hardly ever eat chocolate) due to this sugar overload, so I'm trying hard to resist it.

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