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can we share souls

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This topic has probably been placed here before, But do you think it's possible for two to share the same soul?


I have a friend who I swear I share the same soul with. Our thought pattern is coincidentally similar, It seems like we're thinking the same thing at all times.


I'll even talk to him with thought alone and he's either hearing my thoughts or thinking the same thing I am.


It's just too freaky. we'll even talk about something we were both thinking about over the weekend (that was the same thing) and nap at the same times during the day.


it's weird.

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and that`s the Only answer you can draw from this?

it`s not very Occam friendly is it! :)


im just saying. is it posible. cuz im shur if you were in my shoes youd freek out to.

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this is just one of thos questions i truly cant explain and i fell stupid becaus i cant

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Define soul in a measurable way. Until then, you may as well be saying you and your friend ride the same unicorn.


ok....Conshiounsness. we share the same conshiousness if it puts more scence into it

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Define soul in a measurable way. Until then, you may as well be saying you and your friend ride the same unicorn.



..........i like unicorns though..............

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ok....Conshiounsness. we share the same conshiousness if it puts more scence into it.


Then define consciousness in a measurable way... We can do this all day, but until you provide parameters it won't matter what anyone says in response.

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Then define consciousness in a measurable way... We can do this all day, but until you provide parameters it won't matter what anyone says in response.



dont relly think i can dumb it down any more. the theroy of thought. the ability to share the same from of thought with someone else. the same conshiousness. hence the same soul.

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im just saying. is it posible. cuz im shur if you were in my shoes youd freek out to.


well actually No, I wouldn`t "freak out", it`s not in my nature, but that`s an aside.

what I`m asking you is this, are there any Other things (of a simpler nature) that could be responsible for this, and how do you account for the times where it Doesn`t happen?

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im just saying. is it posible. cuz im shur if you were in my shoes youd freek out to.


If I were in your shoes then the answer would be 'yes' - we'd be sharing the same souls.

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a question that can be answered that would give a great insight into this issue would be:

is the soul's existence independent of the body's, or is it a creation of the body. If created by the body, obviously no, if not, i'd feel pretty ripped of not having your own soul, I believe the soul is non-existent and confused with the fact that we are self-aware, in my believe, no I do not think 2 people can share a "soul".

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For one I don't believe in souls. Let me ask you a question. Do you think finding a person in life that you like to be around having similar traits to you is impossible? Even further do you find it impossible that not only has similar thoughts he also would have simliar behaviour as well? would you notice this if he was not your friend? Is it so damn impossible that coincidences happen that you need to envoke the concept of souls to explain your relationship?


random chance, and probably guided by your affinity towards him, and him towards you.


For all I know you could be gay and this is some way of diverting from the truth while still keeping the idea of specialness within your relationship.


There was this HOT girl on the bus today with a black shirt, and I wore a black shirt too, we must be destined to be together....but then a 70 year old man with a black shirt came on the bus....so now I am destined to be in a polygamous relationship.


You shouldnt read into things so much.

Edited by GutZ
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If you really think you are communicating by telepathy, perhaps you should check out the Rhine Research Center.


Otherwise, "sharing the same soul" is more of a poetic concept than a scientific idea. The "soul", pretty much by definition, is something that cannot be weighed, measured, or otherwise detected. How can we say you two have the same soul, if we can't extract it, pin it to a board, and identify its distinguishing characteristics? Since these are the Science Forums, you're not likely to get the answer you're looking for here.


Personally, I think you're both just infected with the same memes, from close contact and native susceptibility.

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I dunno. I sold my soul to academia. Was on the first page of the contract, actually. It was either that or trying to get a real job with a possible future and suchalike. But it sounded cooler.

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im just saying. is it posible. cuz im shur if you were in my shoes youd freek out to.


If i was in your shoes entirely, thinking the way you do, perceiving as you do - yes, I'd probably come to the same conclusions but it wouldn't make those conclusions right.


You may want to filter the sort of questions you feel make sense in a science forum. You may as well ask if ghosts exist, and cite as grounds as to why they may exist an experience witnessing something you admit you can't even explain.

How does that make for a discussion? What is the quality of sharable information? The scientific method isn't too useful in these sorts of discussions, but these sorts of discussions are highly prone to inaccuracy and research bias - so much so they aren't even generally engaged in here as they are entirely unproductive. None of us can observe the phenomena you describe, so our ability to use your information is so limited it's immaterial. It also apparently is the only basis for the idea put forward.

This is basically a non-starter in my mind - all you can do is perhaps get back some interesting stories from people that are similar, but it won't teach you anything because of the observer bias effect. You can only evaluate the quality of the stories based on how much it resembles your own experiences. Then if it passes the evaluation, you'll decide it's credible and - low and behold - reinforces the bias you started with.


In other words, it's the sort of topic that is outside the effective range of this sort of discussion group.

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