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Faster-than-light communications developed


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Belarusian military develops faster-than-light communications


7 Apr, 05:33 PM


Military scientists have held a seminar at the Belarusian Military Academy on the defensive uses of torsion waves including the possibility of sending military information faster than the speed of light, the http://www.mosnews.com reports, citing the Belarusian Defense Ministry press service. Attendees discussed the theoretical application of torsion waves, as well as results of experimentation in that field and the possibility of creating a torsion field generator.

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Torsion appears to be necessary in supergravity theories for example and other generalisation of general relativity. (Torsion is needed when one includes spin in gravity theories)


In the same way gravitational waves can be seen as ripples in the curvature, it is natural to think of torsion waves as ripples in the "twisting". I have no idea if these ripples are constrained to travel at the speed of light or not.


What I do know is that people do study gravity theories with torsion, see Einstein-Cartan theory (curvature and torsion) and teleparallel gravity (just torsion).

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