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Some questions about physics in general


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What is the difference between physics and quantum physics? Are there any jobs in the physics field? Know of any good books? I have been studying microbiology and physics on my own for the past year since i cannt afford to go to school full time and the absents of the school that offer majors in that field.

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What is the difference between physics and quantum physics?


Quantum physics deals with the very small, on the scale of molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles. Have a look at my website, I outline the basic structure of modern physics.


Are there any jobs in the physics field?


Professional physicists can be found in academia as well as in industry and engineering. Also, may people with degrees in physics work in different areas such as finance and banking or even computer game designing. Anything that requires mathematical and analytical skills is open to people with a background in physics.


There is also teaching and various levels.



Know of any good books?


For a general overview I suggest something like Halliday, Resnick and Walker. It contains just about everything a first year undergrad student should know.


If you have more specific topics in mind I could probably recommend other books.

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Quantum physics deals with the very small, on the scale of molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles. Have a look at my website, I outline the basic structure of modern physics.




Professional physicists can be found in academia as well as in industry and engineering. Also, may people with degrees in physics work in different areas such as finance and banking or even computer game designing. Anything that requires mathematical and analytical skills is open to people with a background in physics.


There is also teaching and various levels.





For a general overview I suggest something like Halliday, Resnick and Walker. It contains just about everything a first year undergrad student should know.


If you have more specific topics in mind I could probably recommend other books.



microbiology? or math books. my math is real bad been out of high school so i forgot most of it. Been trying to relearn it all and calculus.

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Microbiology I have no idea.


Maths, I would suggest that you head towards something with a title like "mathematics for engineers/scientists". In such books they tend to avoid long technical proofs and subtle details that are not really needed when looking at applications in the physical sciences.

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