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about 8 months ago i developed muffled hearing in one ear that turned into ringing. then about 2 months ago i began to have a strange situation. at night time when lying back to watch tv i would get very hypersensitive to different noises that would come either on the tv show or in the room i was in that would startle me and make me on edge. i also have had the situation where when i am relaxed at night and trying to go to sleep i will get sudden outbursts of sound in that ear almost like a magnified sound of the ringing that lasts maybe a second. this repeats itself over and over as long as i am lying back in a relaxed state or going to sleep. i have had an mri which has come back normal and also have had an eeg which have been normal and they've diagnosed me with meniere's disease but yet although the doctor thinks its strange about the nightime noises he has no answers. does anyone have any of these same symptoms and what or is there anything that can be done about them. it has gotten where i almost dread nightime because these noises keep me on edge


Wikipedia on Ménière's disease:


Ménière's disease (pronounced /meɪnˈjɛərz/[1]) is a disorder of the inner ear that can affect hearing and balance. It is characterized by episodes of dizziness and tinnitus and progressive hearing loss, usually in one ear. It is caused by an increase in volume and pressure of the endolymph of the inner ear.


Wikipedia on Tinnitus:

Tinnitus (pronounced /tɪˈnaɪtəs/ or /ˈtɪnɪtəs/,[1] from the Latin word tinnītus meaning "ringing"[2]) is the perception of sound within the human ear in the absence of corresponding external sound.


You should have a look at


Ménière's disease - Treatment

Tinnitus - Treatment


Hope this helps a bit...


Re: Meniere, it is usually connected to vertigo and is rarely exclusive associated with tinnitus. Also the wikipedia article was quite faulty last time on this topic, last time I checked. I am not sure if they properly updated the info.

  • 2 months later...

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