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sure, Green Barium salts (I reccomend a carbonate) with powdered PVC as a chlorine donor to enhance the color.

as for RED use either a Strontium salt or Lithium, Sr is your best option as it`s cheaper and more plentifull.


hope that helps :)

asprin was that link any use to you




And i thank you for it.

I found out that barium is toxic :eek:

and also other neet stuff


Again thanks for your help YT and Boris


Btw: This is the company that sells chemicals in my country and i've looked up barium and i dont know which one is the right 1.

Here's a link: http://www.mikro-polo.si/kemikalije/index.php3


I think it's this 1 but i'm not sure: BARIUM CARBONATE


I belive they also ship internacionaly but nost sure. And i also think they're a bit cheaper than http://www.KNO3.com

Take a look if you want


LP Aspirin


boris, its not that pressure sensitive...i threw it at a wall, my fastball is in the 70mph range....it only blew after i ran it over with a 3,000lb vehicle... also, the chances of finding the original anarchists cookbook is very good, as long as you're buying it from a book store. certain files online claim to be anarchist cookbooks but they are the things with stupid ideas in them. like anarchist cookbook V, thats not the original thing, its nothing more than a bunch of stupid experiments that could hurt you. but then again, i could be driving along the freeway when some idiot jumps the median and kill me, so im no safer driving than i am making tennis ball bombs.

also, where is the animosity coming from? you seem upset...your big paragraph was a giant run on sentance...you were so eager to rant that you didnt even have time to throw a period in?

(im sorry YT, for bringing this up again, but i had to make it clear that the real anarchist cookbook is a piece of crap, and so are the knockoffs, and most of the stupid crap in the book doesnt even work, a lot of it is incomplete. so i rest my case at that.)


what about barium chloride?


Chloride will produce a green flame, yes. Not too bright in green though, if you really want green flames, I mean really really green, I recommend the chlorate. :) Be careful though, it's toxic (as mentioned) and somewhat unstable (as mentioned).


I prefer to use the carbonate personaly, it`s least soluble 9.12x10^-6

and thus less likely to be toxic, barium sulphate is even less soluble, but sulphates and (per)chlorates are a BAD combination!


the carbonate also decomposes quite nicely at a lowly 1723 kelvin. the chlorates of barium are also used too, but are highly toxic for 2 reasons, the barium and the Chlorate.


I prefer stability and safety over ease of use, a little extra work is needed with the carbonate, but the results are equaly good :)


So barium carbonate will work fine.


I was wondering if you have any experience with CuSO4. They say it gives a nice blue collor to fireworks. Is it true.


And how much of barium carbonate should i use with 100 grams of BP



LP Aspirin


I`ve never had much luck with copper sulphate in flame color reactions, it seems to slow the burn down too much for very little color :(


copper Nitrate works reasonably well, but it must be kept 100% dry as its hydroscopic.


copper Oxide(s) work, but lack the vividness without a chlorine donor.


if you get better luck than my mediocre results, I`de to hear about it, you may just be able to help me out a little :)


as for the barium, that`s entirely up to you, but you don`t need much for a noticable effect! :)

experiment with small amounts untill you get the righ shade and depth of green you like, and avoid sodium contamination at all costs! nothing ruins a color quicker than sodium drowning :(


sure, but you don`t need too much of it, it`s VERY STRONG as a color agent and will kill any other colors, so use only the tiniest of amounts :)


common house salt is the simplest way to introduce the Sodium ion (and cheapest). it`s a strong Yellow color, and can be altered (color shifted) to produce any shade you like :)


for you to write something that long makes out that i must have upset you, but you are missing the point i hate that book and all the other fake ones off it but it is fine if you want to read it as long as you dont do the experiments you said you were never going to read that book, but from the sound of it it all ready sounds like you have and i was merly stating that it is fine to read as long as you dont carry out the experiments for some reason you can not understand that and thats all im going to say.

sure' date=' but you don`t need too much of it, it`s VERY STRONG as a color agent and will kill any other colors, so use only the tiniest of amounts :)


common house salt is the simplest way to introduce the Sodium ion (and cheapest). it`s a strong Yellow color, and can be altered (color shifted) to produce any shade you like :)[/quote']



It works very nice.

I tried it several times.

It's really nice

Nice yello/orange flame

It' pretty :)


LP Aspirin


i said i would never read it. and that i have never read it....that is correct. but i also said that i read a review, or critique, whatever you want to call it. and i've seen examples of the stupid crap in it. i've also seen examples of experiments that cannot be performed due to lack of information. thats my final word, i want to talk about barium now.


YT, so if i throw salt into regular BP, its going to make it really yellow for the milisecond that it takes to burn. how does this affect the smoke? more, less?


yeah; i had a little lithium oxide from extracting lithium from batteries and unfortunately i got rid of it. i would have liked that deep red coor


the sodium chloride doesn't really have much effect on black powder. for a fleeting instant it becomes yellow, yes, and it doesn't change the properties of the smoke


"yeah; i had a little lithium oxide from extracting lithium from batteries"


You weren't trying to pull a David Hahn, were you? :)


"Who knows a good internet store with equipment to make small mortars and ships internacionaly."


There's a lot of those, since mortar shells and such aren't really dangerous by themselves, so even United Nuclear (in the case they have completely their shipping to foreign countries) can ship them. I personally would like to get my hands on some Visco safety fuse but it seems to have some sort of shipping regulations.

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