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I know that ATP is the "fuel" of cells, is it possible to find a chemical reaction that convert ATP to usable electrical energy ?




I'm not sure you can transport it across the cell wall (can an expert please tell me if it's possible to find ATP outside a cell without destroying a cell??)... and therefore I'm not sure you can even get it to an electrode.


If you plan to destroy the cell wall anyway, then you might as well go for "combustion". You burn it with air, generate heat, make steam, and run the steam turbine or steam engine. Connect the generator, and done ;)


Generally it's not worth I think. Cells producing ATP during methabolic reactions which are using many of cell structures. To use energy from ATP you must somehow do this methabolic reactions out of a cell. Is it possible? I think it's not. I don't remember precisely but I think it's too underable to export it out of a cell. Moreover cell produce it all the time without storing it.


Probably the best solution will be to connect turbine to hamster wheel. Hamster during run in it generate energy by muscles which need ATP to work. ;)

  • 2 weeks later...

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