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Metabolic Heat-Computational Science mentor

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Thanks guys. I found these formulas on the internet,


Calculation of internal heat production, H

(from McIntyre, 1980)

H (W.m-2) = (M x (1- h)) x 1/AD

where M = metabolic free production (W.m-2), h= mechanical efficiency and AD is the body surface area (m2).


Calculation of metabolic free energy production, M

(modified from Parsons,1993)

M (W.m-2) = (((EE x VO2 x t)/(t x 60))/AD)

where EE = energy equivalent (J.L O2-1), VO2 = oxygen consumption (L.min-1), t = exercise time (min) and AD = body surface area (m2).


but I don't know what the energy equivalent and oxygen consumption is. Any help?



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