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When you click "sciences", the entire list of sciences shows up.


There is something inconsistent there:

Let's take chemistry as an example. We have 4 subforums:

1. Chemistry

2. Inorganic Chemistry

3. Organic Chemistry

4. Applied Chemistry


In the "sciences" list, they all seem equal. However, when you click "Chemistry", it turns out that the other 3 chemistry forums are sub-forums of the main chemistry forum. This is supported by the main index page. The fact that sciences and the main index treat the "chemistry" forum different seems inconsistent to me.


The inconsistency however is supported by the "new posts" (which are mentioned in slightly darker blue on the right side of every page):

"Chemistry" has its own threads, it's a subforum on its own.

The attachment (pictures) show that on the main index it makes sense that the "new post" of "chemistry" is a post from inorganic chemistry. But on the "sciences" page, it no longer makes sense.

On the sciences post, the newest post in "chemistry" becomes invisible whenever somebody makes a post on 1 of the 3 sub forums.


The same goes for all other forums which are grouped by category (physics, biology, maths, etc.).


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