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could any one suggest some science fair ideas based on application of mathematic in genetics. I will be entering 10th grade and any help on above will be highly appreciated.


Thank you

  • 2 weeks later...

These days science fairs want you to actually test a hypothesis I think, at least in my experience. They would call extracting your DNA a science demonstration, but not science fair-worthy.


Now, as for answering Nakkulsreenivas's question... There is certainly a lot of math in most population genetics, but, that statement summarizes about all I know of it. I know there's a pretty simple Hardy-Weinberg equation that states that dominant and recessive traits will remain stable in a population in equilibrium over time. If you had a subject with a fast enough generation time maybe you could... test that?


There are people about on the boards who do mathematical biology who could help you much more on this count, if any of them decide to emerge from the mists.


The simplest you could get (for both math and genetics) would be to a demonstration of Mendelian genetics. However, you would need enough time to grow some populations.

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