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Posted (edited)

I like to keep things going when I'm doing whatever it is I'm doing. I often need to read lengthy online articles to keep up to date with or further my knowledge on n number of topics at any given time. I'm spending way too much time reading while I could also be doing other things. So where's the text to speech api?


Selecting, copying and pasting text and then listening to it would allow me to spend more time programming, playing WoW or doing math....... TV used to be the filler while doing these things but I have had a no TV policy for some time now... I need to fill the gap.


Software is available, there's all the telephone billing agents and I've seen game engines with this capability programmed in! This is just the start my search but figured maybe some of the more refined techies abound may have some guru like knowledge of what's going around, preferably freeware.


I guess programming my own is always an option.......


Anyway thx,



Merged post follows:

Consecutive posts merged

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_principle => http://www.naturalreaders.com/


interesting..........very interesting....... :P


I could scan complete texts!




#include <Windows.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
                    HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                    LPSTR     lpCmdLine,
                    int       nCmdShow)
ifstream Text;

ofstream TextOut;

int open_bracket;
int close_bracket;

string line;

if (!Text.bad() && !Text.fail())
		while(line.find("[") != string::npos)
			open_bracket = line.find("[");
			if (line.find("]") != string::npos)
				close_bracket = line.find("]");
		TextOut << line << endl;
	return false;


return 0;


Sorry, joke or not I figured if I'm going to post it may as well be correct and functional!

Edited by buttacup
Consecutive posts merged.

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