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Effects of Marijuana and similar on unborn babies and young children

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Does anyone know of any studies of the effects on unborn babies, babies and young children of regular exposure to marijuana?


What is the medical evidence of harm, both in the short term and long term?


I also expect there to be plenty social and economical problem associated with parents use of such drugs. Some of these I am all too aware of. It is the medical issues I am thinking about.


It retards neurodevelopment in the brain regions. I'm not sure if it's permanent, since the brain is usually very plastic, but it's certainly not helpful.


Here's one study that focused on motor abilities:




It looks like this site has a few additional links to studies:




In addition to the retardation of brain development, it often results in issues with sleep (critical to a developing baby).


More studies of the effects of drugs on the fetus.












I think it's important to note that most studies of the effect of marijuana on the fetus are either inconclusive or so small they are difficult to show but alcohol, a legal and commonly abused drug during pregnancy has been shown to cause specific and definite problems with the fetus.




And tobacco




Is there any studies on how pre-school children are effected by living in homes where it is smoked on a regular basis?


I should add, this is not a hypothetical question nor is it for academic interest.


You have asked a question that opens up a can of worms or to be more exact a can of crazies. I looked rather hard and most of the stuff I found was from one extreme end or the other of the spectrum. Very little realistic research seems to have been done about this. I smoked pot around my kids when they were young, both turned out to be highly intelligent young men with college degrees and if anything they are over achievers. But one point does not a graph make. I've read and heard so much hype about second hand cigarette smoke, bad/no effect, but I tend toward the idea that any smoke is not good for you. Cannabis smokers seldom if ever smoke as much as tobacco smokers but if I had it to do over again I would err on the side of caution and smoke outside like I make all smokers do now at my house. Here is reasonable study I found.



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