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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Maybe it wasn't cheaper or safer, but it sure sounded fun. If I had a job like that where I used N2 often I would probably lose one of more of my appendages in the process.

It's all fun and games untill someone freezes an eye out, then its hilarious! :D

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See, it's all fun and games mocking the UK for having a monarchy.


Then one day you're planning what you're going to do when you're finally king, and it hits you. You never will be.


Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa!

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Okay if everyone was dead except me and a ninja monkey, who would be king of England?


PS: I don't get the joke about people from a whale or something like that. What are you talking about ;)


PSS: I don't know what time it is there, but it's 3 am here, I'm going to bed for now, see ya tomorrow.

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Never? What if everyone in england dies? Who's going to be the king then?

Probably someone from Germany, it wouldn`t be the 1`st time! :)


Does that qualify me for this months saucer of milk award?

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