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Taken from my calculus exam


The function f satisfies



1)Show that f(0)=1

2)Show using induction that

2^{n}f^{n}(2x)=nf^{(n-1)}(x)+xf^{n}(x) \forall x \in R

3)Hence, derive the first three terms of the Maclaurin series of f



I managed to do it, but because of 1) and 2) if 3) was given by itself I would think i would be completely lost for some time.


edit: f^n denotes the nth derivative of f


Done (1) - pretty obvious. Working on 2, haven't quite got there yet, but I think I know how to do it :)


I have absolutly no idea what is going on there, but I was looking over it anyways. Just wondering, what do the last four symbols in number 2 mean (starting with what appears to be an up-side down A).


Read literally the upside-down A means "for all" - the entire thing means that that condition (the f(x) bit) is true for all x in the set of real numbers.


btw, to generate a proper real numbers symbol, use \mathbb:


\forall x\in\mathbb{R}


Hmm. I did it, but I'm not sure it's entirely true.


We know that f(2x) = xf(x) + 1. Now say g(x) = xf(x) + 1 - f(2x). Then we have that g'(x) = f(x) + xf'(x) - 2f(2x) by the chain rule (effectively this is implicit differentiation).


By differentiating more and more times, it's pretty obvious that you get g^{(n)}(x) = nf^{(n-1)}(x) + xf^{(n)}(x) - 2^n f^{(n)}(x) as required.


Dave, I think you should start a Calc 101 section here, and kind of like instead of asking question / recieving answer thing, maybe you guys can start others (like myself) on our way to actually understand Calculus? (Kind of like a teaching/tutoring thing)


Or maybe not....


Sounds like a good idea; I'm sure I can draw up a "syllabus" of types :)


Maybe if it kicks off properly I can get blike to create a sub-forum for it.


I loved Linear algebra. all the vector spaces and subspaces. mind boggling.

I havent done much number theory, except introductory group theory.


Ok. No need for number theory then. I was interested because I read a book not to long ago that said it would be classified as number theory but never described what number theory was. I liked the book so I assumed I would have to like learning number theory as well.


Group theory is very interesting because you can use it to define basic addition and multiplication in a rigourous sense; indeed, if you start with set theory you can basically build up the natural numbers, the rationals, reals, etc and all the operations that can be done with them.

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