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Few questions about Cholestrol?


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1.Can cholestrol be stored in adipoctytes or is it only stored in liver?


2. If it only stored in liver how does choletrol turn into vitamin d when exposed to sunlight?


3. How does exercise increase HDL?


4. What exactly is HDL and LDL. I researched about this but I don't get it. How are they created?

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Cholesterol is found in the lipid bilayer of cells.


I'm not sure if I can really answer question 1 directly.


Cholesterol, and various lipids will also be found in your blood serum.

The serum cholesterol will be vailable throughout your body for anabolic and catabolic reactions.


Exercise will help you burn the simple sugars in your diet. These simple sugars if not used will be turned into triglycerides.


For question 4, I would recommend a book called "Fats That Heal and Fats That Kill".


It explains many things regarding the subject. It helps me understand how important it is to stay away from refined and simple sugars.



Also, essential fatty acids are important to understand. The book mentioned above is really good for anyone interested in controlling their lipids.

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