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Subscription Biotech Magazines


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I need some help finding a great magazine to subscribe to.


I think a magazine geared towards biotechnology would be the most helpful, but biology in general would be fine. I also have interests in physics, so suggestions in that direction would be fine as well.


I know there are lots of great science magazines to subscribe to, and I'll pick up an issue here and there of Scientific American or Discover, and others. But I was more wondering if there is ones that have less fluff pieces and are more like unofficial science journals. More like how the Economist is pretty much a journal in magazine form, but still looking for one that is geared towards science in general or Biotechnology.


Throw out your favs! Thanks :)

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What about the AAAS Science print magazine/journal? Anybody subscribe to this? I'm confused as to what areas of science this covers, and if it leans more towards certain subjects or areas of science. More biology? or chemistry oriented, or physics? or more specific than that?

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If you prefer something in the line of scientific american, Science (the journal) is most likely not for you. They publish original research in a relatively wide area, but it is not that readable for the layman. Also it is not an unofficial science journal but one of the top tier ones (the infamous CNS).

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If you prefer something in the line of scientific american, Science (the journal) is most likely not for you. They publish original research in a relatively wide area, but it is not that readable for the layman. Also it is not an unofficial science journal but one of the top tier ones (the infamous CNS).


Good to know. I am pursuing an education and eventually career in biotech, but do consider myself to be a layman at present. I read for my own interest right now, and definitely couldn't understand much in an official science journal.


This is why I was wondering if anything existed in between something like Scientific American and an official Science journal?

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