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Cap'n Refsmmat

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Ok, we had a thread where you made up wacky news items, but then Sayonara said that wasn't what he wanted it to be, so I started my own.

Any odd news story that is NOT true goes!


Nuclear Missiles Launched at New Zealand!


Bill Clinton Reveals Homosexual Relationship with Ken Starr!


Iranian Town Spontaneously Combusts!


Man Misspells URL, Discovering Secret Government Website Disclosing All About Conspiracies!


more to come...

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Congress Proposes Act to Make Days 48 Hours Long


Dell Corp. Goes Bankrupt


Chernobyl Discovered to be Alien Crash Site


Woman Gives Birth to Unknown Species, Scientist Believe it is the Fabled "Idiot"


SETI Discovers Life on Alpha Centauri, Immediately is Closed Down by Government


and that's not all!

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Tribe of Baboons discovers cold fusion in Borneo, and promptly annex state.


Internet porn to be replaced with internet norm, pictures of normal people doing everyday activitys in the sunshine.


UN labeled 'Puerile' by 6 out of 10 world leaders.

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Poll shows 9 out of 10 viewers disgusted with "Reality" shows.


US colleges to start placing less emphasis on sports and more on education.


Voting apparatus for US presidential election this fall deemed 100% reliable.


Cell phone use while driving improves reflexes.


Haliburton announces non-fossil fuel research to take precedence.


General Electric posts cheap cold fusion plans on Internet.


Mel Gibson to star in "Spawn".


McDonald's drops fries in favor of organic carrot sticks.

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Woman Gives Birth to Unknown Species, Scientist Believe it is the Fabled "Idiot"
July 6, 1946, New Haven, CT--George and Barbara Bush have found themselves at the center of a scientific controversy. The Navy pilot and the Smith College dropout have no idea how their newborn infant could possibly have turned out to be a completely non-human species. Scientists examining the newborn, tentatively named "Curious George" after a popular children's book character, are hesitant to point to father George's many multi-G jet maneuvers and mother Barbara's glue-sniffing addiction, but aren't ready to rule them out either. George Jr will remain under observation at the newly formed Secret Haliburton Infant Testing facility to find out if this poor idiot child can be put to productive use in modern society.
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Lone Koala proves Jordan unfunny using powerpoint and a bar chart.

Ouch. Maybe you didn't realize that was an actual study (done in your own country I believe). Maybe you did an didn't care. Whatever you like.

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Land Bridge forms between England and France; French Government claims England as new province


Contact sports found to reduce IQ; enzymes in pigs' bladders blamed


World unites behind global currency; the Canadian Dollar


Japan joins European Union


Video games found to develop hand eye coordination, and make kids into better human beings


RPG's found to build character


Amish President elected; civilization outlawed


"War" declared an expletive in Canada and outlawed

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here is a picture of the presentation:-

Hhhmmm... I guess the tabloids really are filled with lies because that picture contains neither a power point presentation nor a bar chart. I was so hoping for a bar chart when I saw much time you used up to make that picture. Oh well.

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3.5" floppy diskettes become top sellers in collectibles market!


Potatoes linked to herpes!


$290 million lottery winner flushed ticket!


Saddam Hussein to be executed using marshmallows and a whoopee cushion!


Mathemetician hospitalized with self-inflicted cattle prod wounds!

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