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Alright, this is one of those "wouldn't it be crazy if" kind of things. i just came back from a post questioning if space ends, and if so, where? Well, i got to thinking along those lines, and rather not reply to it, but instead broaden my audience. So wouldn't it be crazy if the SUPER ELEMENT (http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=45074) imploded at the same time it exploded? That would create a black hole at the center of the universe. Then, the largest star ever forged was the forefront of the explosion of the big bang. a star that instead of being spherical, was more like a ring. I call this, the Oculucius of First Morning. The ring of intense light traveled to the end of it's ability, died, and imploded creating a giant black ring. Somehow, the black ring is connected to the black hole at the center of the universe, the ring is at the end of the universe, and there is nothing beyond it because nothing traveled faster the the Oculucius before it died. So since this giant ring has more gravitational pull than the one in the center of the universe, it draws everything material towards and into it. The ring then warps it through time and space, then gets spit out in a new time but still in the center of the universe.

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