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Swansont wrote in http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=45800

The previous thread on this topic died of science anemia. It was locked, so restarting it without permission — even without nebulous threats — is not permissible.


Thus, you make the crime because you pushes me on crime, - I can not widespread the theory of magnetic holes to physicists. Most of them do not know how dangerous they are. You do not let me to widespread the discovered crude errors which were made in the CERN’s safety documents.


Physicists, where are your mathematically grounded answers?

Are you able to disprove my assertions about crude errors of CERN?


Consequently, these documents are falsifications, made in order to prevent public resistance.


LHC in a dozen of days can explode the Earth.


What can I do?

To take hostages, in order to attract the attention of ordinary people. Because you, physicists, made a crime and hidden CERN’s lie and you are ready to risk by our whole planet.


Several hours ago I had received the answer from the European Commission, Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security.


Dear Mr. Gorelik,


We thank you for the message you have addressed to the European Commission, Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security.


We assure you that your warning will be taken into due account.


Best regards,

Couple of days ago I wrote them the following:


I am the author of the theory of magnetic hole. According to this theory magnetic holes can be created soon at the Large Hadron Collider. That will lead to the collaptical explosion of the Earth.


November the 30-th, according to the preliminary plan for the Large Hadron Collider, the collisions of protons with energies of 0.45 TeV will be implemented, the 14-th of December - collisions with energies of 3.5 TeV. If the magnetic collapse starts, it will be impossible to stop it. It will end with ejection of the Earth's shell into outer space.


I give the following probabilities:


A. 10% - magnetic collapse will start at 0.45 TeV;

B. 50% - magnetic collapse will start at 3.5 TeV, if A did not happen;

C. 70% - magnetic collapse will start at 7 TeV, if B did not happen.

30% I leave to my mistake.


Why is such confidence?


Compare Newtonian black hole and magnetic hole:

GMm / r = mc^2 / 2;

pB = mc^2.


It was obtained two independent proofs that the equality pB = mc^2 is reached at the energies, achievable in modern colliders, http://darkenergy.narod.ru/magtren.html


There are many arguments in favor the fact that magnetic holes exist, and astronomers see them, but call them on the error as black holes, http://darkenergy.narod.ru/argen.html


It was found several crude errors and criminal lies in the assessment documents about the safety of LHC, http://darkenergy.narod.ru/tezeng.html


The Earth after the magnetic collapse will transform into a small region of exited superconducting vacuum. This region's diameter is about 10 meters. The thickness is about 2.5 meters...


Best regards, Ivan Gorelik.


Nevertheless, my hopes on positive solution are very weak.


We’ll be killed in a dozen of days if we will wait for their solution. You did not permit me to widespread the information about the deadly risk of LHC, by throwing my posts into Trash and by closing my threads. I must make the crime in order to save you. Is it honestly, physicists?


Cap’n Refsmmat wrote: Why have we not observed magnetic holes already from high-energy cosmic rays colliding with the upper atmosphere?


I wrote upper about the neutron-bottle model, showing that cosmic rays are safe but collider collisions lead to Hiroshima-like consequences.

Another crude error, made in the CERN’s safety documentation, is in equating of the consequences of protons collisions at LHC with collisions of cosmic particles with atmospheric ones.


To see the drastic difference between such consequences, let’s make two thought experiments.

There are two 10 kg bottles with neutrons.

Additional requirements, used in the model: 1. free neutrons do not decay; 2. proton do not capture neutron; 3. any nuclei, heavier than proton, can capture free neutron; 4. neutrons do not interact with the matter of bottle; 5. the density of neutrons in the bottle is the same as of water.


A. Let somebody put one slowly moving nucleus into the bottle. Neutrons will begin to be captured by the growing and dividing nuclei. In a couple of moments this laboratory will be exploded a town will look like Hiroshima after the nuclear attack.

B. If somebody will bombard the same bottle by nuclei, having the kinetic energy about several TeV, he will see that nuclei are ruined in collisions and formed a cloud of protons and neutrons.


Severian wrote: The QED beta function tells us how the coupling runs, and it becomes big only when it reaches energies of around the Landau pole, about 10^40 GeV, if I remember correctly.


I think magnetic hole is not the magnetic monopole but magnetic dipole NS or, more probably, N+S-, or N-S+, or N~S~. As if I understand correctly, Landau pole is applicable to magnetic monopole, but not to dipole.


Mr Skeptic wrote: If your calculations are correct, you should publish them as soon as possible in a peer reviewed journal.

In the forums I wrote, my posts about LHC danger are deleted, or moved into Trash, or closed. I do not believe that any peer reviewed journal will publish an article about the possibility of Earth explosion. The cause is clear, - a person, speaking about this, looks like charlatan. Professor Otto Rössler had published such article, but as far as I know he is one of editors of the journal.

Moreover, LHC will begin particle collisions in a dozen of days. So, we have no time and we must undertake other actions in order to survive.


What happened with Phaeton?

Where dozens of meteorites with traces of life come from?

Were there thousands of physicists, thinking that the man is not able to explode his own planet?

Will our bodies will be packet into comets and sent to other star systems as seeds of new life?

What a crafty gene govern by you to hasten our biospheres suicidal reproduction?

Why this crafty gene forbid discussing about Phaeton, strange meteorites, the possibility of biospheres suicidal reproduction.

The answer: Civilizations, which have no such gene do not able to reproduce, as a result, - impossible. Consequently, this congenital gene must be extremely strong.

Who will win: our mind or this crafty gene of biospheres reproduction?


Physicists, please, STOP CERN!


It was closed once, it was closed twice, and you were warned against making threats.


If it wasn't clear before, maybe this is a better way to make the point:



Thread closed.

  Ivan Gorelik said:
Thus, you make the crime because you pushes me on crime, - I can not widespread the theory of magnetic holes to physicists. Most of them do not know how dangerous they are.


On the contrary, I think most physicists know exactly how dangerous they are. That is to say, not at all.

  Sayonara³ said:
Why do all the crackpots come here?


Be careful of what you ask, for it might just become true. I fear that we sample only a small fraction of the crackpots.

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