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I have an idea regarding both Quantum Physics and Cosmology


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and the missing the point completly award goes to .... drum roll please... walkntune.


you do understand the concept of an analogy right?


No I understood the analogy.

Without energy nothing exists. I am trying to understand how energy is just the property of things.

I am saying that energy changes in and out of mass and mass is just a property of energy.

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I am looking for someone who knows QP and as much as is known about Cosmology and regular old physics, so that I can have formulas and the physics explained. I can see I won't get that here.


I don't have the time to debate as to whether waves are considered energy (as Dr. Quantum explained in the video I posted a link to), or if waves are simply another way matter - particles - can move. Truth is, every living thing has a frequency to it. I suspect even inanimate objects like rocks do, too. This frequency can be measured as energy. Am I wrong? Don't answer that! Ha, ha.


I was looking for a way to explain my idea (not hypothesis, not theory) about my teeny tines, the things they can do and how it relates to dark matter/dark energy. That includes receiving thought waves instantly from where ever, and then reacting. It depends heavily on Quantum Physics, I suspect. But I am not sure about it as I need help. I had a dream, you see. This stuck in my mind.


So, once again, thanks very much. Don't waste any more of your time on this.

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I am looking for someone who knows QP and as much as is known about Cosmology and regular old physics, so that I can have formulas and the physics explained. I can see I won't get that here.


I don't have the time to debate as to whether waves are considered energy (as Dr. Quantum explained in the video I posted a link to), or if waves are simply another way matter - particles - can move. Truth is, every living thing has a frequency to it. I suspect even inanimate objects like rocks do, too. This frequency can be measured as energy. Am I wrong? Don't answer that! Ha, ha.


I was looking for a way to explain my idea (not hypothesis, not theory) about my teeny tines, the things they can do and how it relates to dark matter/dark energy. That includes receiving thought waves instantly from where ever, and then reacting. It depends heavily on Quantum Physics, I suspect. But I am not sure about it as I need help. I had a dream, you see. This stuck in my mind.


So, once again, thanks very much. Don't waste any more of your time on this.


How good is your maths knowledge? There is a lot of quite complicated integrals in it, far more than couple be conveyed easily on a forum, it takes years of studies to understand the maths and the applications of it. I would recommend Quantum Mechanics by A I M Rae. You might be interested in reading QED by Feynman which is far less mathematical.

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How good is your maths knowledge? There is a lot of quite complicated integrals in it, far more than couple be conveyed easily on a forum, it takes years of studies to understand the maths and the applications of it. I would recommend Quantum Mechanics by A I M Rae. You might be interested in reading QED by Feynman which is far less mathematical.


Thank you, Klaynos.

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This is not the same because an apple is made up of energy and matter. If you take the apple from its energy source it will die and the apple material itself will actually change into a form of energy through decomposition.

You take redness away you might have a green apple. You take energy away and you won't have an apple.


No, it is not made up of "energy and matter." It is made up of matter in a certain arrangement. This matter has mass, its molecules have kinetic energy, etc. "Change into a form of energy" does not mean anything. The arrangement of molecules and atoms changes.

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No, it is not made up of "energy and matter." It is made up of matter in a certain arrangement. This matter has mass, its molecules have kinetic energy, etc. "Change into a form of energy" does not mean anything. The arrangement of molecules and atoms changes.

I guess to know this for sure you will have to know whether matter is made up of particles or strings of energy?

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I am just saying this difference in mass might actually just be a difference in energy vibration of strings which would mean energy changing forms.


This would change nothing in the context of this discussion. A higher energy state would mean more mass. That's already well-established physics.

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