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making KNO3


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I just dissolve them both in boiling water after measuring the correct amounts of each stoichometricaly, and then allow it to cool slowly. the KNO3 is the least soluble and will form large needle like crystals. when formed put the vessel in the fridge overnight and pour off any remaining liquid the next day, what`s left will be your KNO3, you can give them a quick rinse with ice water to further purify, but for gunpowder you don`t really have to bother :)

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Measuring stoichometricaly basically involves adding the right amount of each component so that you don't end up with an excess of one left over. I believe the formula for this reaction is:

KCl + NaNO3 ----> KNO3 + NaCl So its a basic 1 to 1 ratio where you add one molecule of potassium chloride to one molecule of sodium nitrate to get 1 potassium nitrate molecule (and one table salt molecule). But since KCl is a lighter molecule than NaNO3 you need less of it, as far as mass(or weight) goes. KCl has a molecular weight of 74.551 and NaNO3 has a molecular weight of 84.980. So the ratio of KCl to NaNO3 is .877. So you would need 87% as much KCl as you need NaNO3. But it’s been awhile since I did that so maybe YT will correct me if im wrong.

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  • 3 weeks later...

or you can get the stuff from Pottery Glase suppliers, Sr, Na and Ba are great color providers, use a neutral color base like Potassium as that`s easily overriden by the others :)


btw, I`m having a go at making my own gunpowder the OLD way!!!!


I have a a 45 gallon plastic drum, with about 30 kilo of ash (from burnt weeds) and about half a ton of well rotted horse manure for the Nitrate part, I`ll take some pics as I progress, and post them on my website as and when :)


{edit} I`m even using Rain water for the mix, but I need to know WHERE in the UK I can find or Extract Supher from, I`m NOT buying ANYTHING!

Ideas welcome :)

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Pyrite is minerale that contains lot of sulphur. As far as i know it is not very hard to find. Many other minerals that are redish in color, but not crystallic, also contain FeS.


Plain sulphur is harder to find.

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  • 1 month later...

Would you guys make a list of all possible ways to make KNO3?


Someone told me it could be extracted from birdshit.


You can also buy in fertilizer. How do you extract clean KNO3 out of the fertilizer?


I know it could simply be bought... But what if you are lost in the wild? It would be god to know how to make powder. Or even to know how to use KNO3 to keep food "fresh".


In some countries clean KNO3 isn't really very cheap. For that reason it would be good to know how to extract it from fertilizer.


Disclaimer: Whatever I say, I may be bullshiting. I often assume too much.

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"I can probably get it here in iceland somewhere"


Is there anything to fertilize in Iceland? :D Just kidding... I bet trees aren't that plenty but hey, KNO3 is used for lawn fertilizing isn't it?


"if all else fails, urinate on manure and wait for the bacteria to take action"


It will make a wonderful decoration if you place it in the middle of your backyard lawn, too. :)

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