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Hi all, this will be my first post.


I have decided to attempt to build my own wind turbine using canablised parts for as cheap as possible.


Iknow I can get the wind to drive a permenant magnet motor. But which one? I need a high voltage (30v ish), high current, low rpm (400 ish) motor that I can canablise


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance




Washing machines have electric engines that do sometimes run at a relatively low rpm (but they do have a gear usually - and they can also go up to very high rpm during centrifugation). They are quite serious electric engines.


Another option might be the most simple: the fans that hang from the ceiling have both an electric engine and blades that will have the right rpm's. Not sure if the engine is ideal to reverse.


A last idea: a lemon juicer / lemon squeezer. These are quite small, and definitely have a very low rpm. Probably have a simple gearbox too though, but you might just salvage the whole lot.


Regarding the voltage - I cannot solve that for you. I don't know any applications that run on 30 V. It's either 220V or 12 V. Maybe some camping gear might be at 30 V?


thanks for the swift reply!


I will look into those devices thankyou


I need 12v but have been told that running a motor as a generator only generates about 40 percent of the voltage the motor uses. A 30v motor should easily provide the 12v I need. That's the theory anyway.

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