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Companion documentary to F9/11


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I just watched "Orwell Rolls in his Grave" and it gives an excellent account how the public has been manipulated by the media. If you want to understand how America came to be in its present predicaments, I highly recommend seeing this. Two thumbs up.



Director Robert Kane Pappas’ ORWELL ROLLS IN HIS GRAVE is the consummate critical examination of the Fourth Estate, once the bastion of American democracy. Asking whether America has entered an Orwellian world of doublespeak where outright lies can pass for the truth, Pappas explores what the media doesn’t like to talk about: itself.


Meticulously tracing the process by which media has distorted and often dismissed actual news events, Pappas presents a riveting and eloquent mix of media professionals and leading intellectual voices on the media.


More here: http://www.orwellrollsinhisgrave.com/

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I look forward to seeing it. The relationship between the media and government can sometimes seem dangerously incestuous. Half truths and distortions.


What disturbs me is the way something only matters to governments if it's on TV. A million Rwandans die. No one cares because there aren't any TV cameras there. Tibet repressed, but no TV cameras there. It's almost as if, if they are not on TV then people dont exist and dont matter. So people suffering and need, the international response are determined by ratings and the world of co operation between Media companies and governments.


People have been slaughtered for over 20 years in Sudan. The big media companies decide to notice last month and only now does the UN and the West actually start to bother doing anything. Who decides what to show? Whats convienent for TV executives trying to establish good relations with governments and business investors/advertisers?


George Orwell was prescient, we all need to make an effort to find the facts and see through distortion and selective reporting.

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is the appropriate phrase to describe this phenomenon. It is amazing that people even watch the news anymore. Going by most of their broadcasts, the only thing that is worth reporting at all is the latest celebrity dirt; the Kobe trial, the Martha trial, the Gloved-One trial, Britney's Marriage Annulled, Madonna critizes the church blah blah blah. Mostly tripe and drivel from the 'pundits'.


Oh and Afghanistan is repsonible for 9/11, err make that Iraq, wait now we're kinda sure that it was Iran, yeah that'll work until next week.


They are controlling the publics perception in order to modify the publics behaviour.


Perception control=Emotional control=Behavioural control


Good Pavlov.

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In one independant study done on how news media personalities affect the stories they report on, it was found that Peter Jennings, a staunch Republican, actually influenced his audiences favorably with extra smiles, head nods and vocal emphasis when reporting on Ronald Reagan during the 1980 and 1984 elections. Was it just because Jennings liked Reagan or was it coached?


Beyond creating an atmosphere of fear and lacking in the public, today's advertising media is completely mistrusted, while the few hard news shows people watch become The Word in what's going on in the world. We are hard pressed to find the article we wanted to read in the magazine because of the ads, so what we read we tend to take as gospel. Word of mouth is the only trusted advertising these days but still billions of $ are spent trying to convince the public they need to buy and buy NOW.


What is the truth when it can be viewed from all perspectives but only a few get put in front of us?

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Uh, Jennings usually has a liberal slant.
The study was mentioned in The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. I really need to own that book, I got a lot of good out of it. I will check it out again & get the research on that study on Jennings.


Besides, don't Republicans think all media is liberal? :rolleyes:

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