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kind of related to the idea of the generator im building but i may have came up with a new theory on motion


okay from what I can tell perpetuall motion is the idea something will stay at the same pace and will keep going forever, of course this idea is crushed by the real life physics of gravity and friction


my idea is befor the speed of an object hits zero it is applied more speed so that it constantly is moving just not at a constant speed


can anyone tell me of any errors i have on this so i know or if anyone already had this idea so i know

gonna calll this perpettual propulsion for the moment because the idea is the fact its slowing down that speeds it up, kind of like how when a shower gets to hot something expands making less fow for hot water and keeps it from constanly heating


please respond....kookeh:-)


well, you obviously need to have an input of energy to give it more speed so its going to consume energy and hence not be perpetual motion as when you take away the energy input it stops working on short order.


i'm not really sure what this is supposed to accomplish.


Pushing things so that they do not stop moving is nothing special. It's how motors work, for example. I am not sure that I really got your point, though.


As a comment on form and style: Approximately proper spelling, capitalization and punctuation would rock.


well yeah a motor works on the same basics the diffrence is the motor needs fule... its hard to explain my idea with words honestly, but ille try. Think of two balls on springs aimed at each other and let go. they would bounce but eventually stop now if you put reppelling magnets on the ball they would still eventually stop and spin around each other. now to solve that problem we replace one of the balls with a magnetic wall, of course the ball still stops suspended from the wall after a few bounces but what if we put the wall on springs so when the ball hit it it gose back just aliitle bit at that point the ball would in theory bounce forever because if it slowed the fact the wall would go forward faster than ball would make the ball go again


Unless you put energy into the object, the object will eventually stop.

Friction is never zero. And if you cannot explain the source of your energy, then there probably is no source - and therefore the objects will stop.


And with "object" I meant any combination of walls + balls + strings + whatever you can imagine.

well yeah a motor works on the same basics the diffrence is the motor needs fule... its hard to explain my idea with words honestly, but ille try. Think of two balls on springs aimed at each other and let go. they would bounce but eventually stop now if you put reppelling magnets on the ball they would still eventually stop and spin around each other. now to solve that problem we replace one of the balls with a magnetic wall, of course the ball still stops suspended from the wall after a few bounces but what if we put the wall on springs so when the ball hit it it gose back just aliitle bit at that point the ball would in theory bounce forever because if it slowed the fact the wall would go forward faster than ball would make the ball go again


As already said you will always have friction in your apparatus. So that by its self makes your idea or another perpetual motion idea impossible. A side from that, since you have spinning and moving magnets you will have the problem the Mr. Skeptic pointed out in a similar thread:


The spinning magnet would generate a changing magnetic field. This would induce electric currents in any conductors regardless of distance, though the closer ones would have a larger induced current. The induced current would have resistance, transferring some of the kinetic energy of the magnet into heat.

That situation is identical to two balls connected by a spring, just with one of the balls a lot bigger and wall-shaped. It stops for the same reason.

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