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Is alchemy a science?


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Just because it never got (and probably never will get) what it was looking for doesn't mean it isn't science.


If it obeys the scientific method, it's a science. If it doesn't, it isn't.

So nothing done before the scientific method was glabalized counts as science?

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Alchemy was a big science for its time. Now Jakiri says for it to be a science they would've had to have followed the scientific method. So either they followed the scientific method, in which case it fits under my definition of globalized, or they don't follow it, in which case I want to know why that automaticly implies it's not a science. The scientific method was a human invention and therefore there must have been a time when the rigorous rules to it were not followed. We can't call anything done during that time science?

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I`de consider it a crude ASPECT of science, it was largely chemistry based, with limited ideas of why substance X mixed with substance Y created effect Z.

and so efforts were made to explain this, alot of which were mere flights of fancy but some were also remarkably spot on! :)


I`de consider Alchemy is to Science as ancient herbalism is to Medicine, and we still use some of these "Old Cures" today.



Lead into Gold however??? LOL, not without a bloody good particle acceletator :)

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just had a 1sec glance at it. its like saying. i have a bag. there are red (science) and green (not science) balls in it. there are 4 greens in the bag. find the number of reds??


(Sum total of balls) - 4.


However, that's a really bad analogy, as Idea' is a really simple concept.

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