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Damn Succulent


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I have some succents, and i cant freakin figure out how much i'm supposed to water them. Most of them are doing ok, except for the Jade, it keeps on dropping leaves (is that what you call the green swollen things? it has no other leaves, but they don't look like regular leaves). I don't know if i'm giving it too much water and their rotting off (that's what happens if you give desert plants too much water), or if i'm giving it too little and it's just dying.

What magnifys my confusion is the weird soil i've repotted them in. It doesn't absorb water at all. It just sits on the surface for a sec, then a minute later it's all run out the bottom--- i know because the water catching dish overflows with very little water input, meaning it's all going down there pretty fast. So i water it fairly frequently, but i don't know if the plants are getting to absorb anything.


The Jade is the one i'm mainly worried about. I have a Split Rock(that's the common name), which hasn't changed since i got it, it says it blooms in december, and a fuzzy thing called Yellow Bear Paw, which is cool, but hasn't grown as far as i can tell. At least it's not dying. Ohhh yeah i also have a hanging sedum burrito (common name Donkey Trail) which is doing ok, but i have the same worry about the water flowing straight though the pot and not being absorbed. I haven't repotted that one from what i bought it in.

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you`ll need a good quality sterilised compost, it`s also best to make your planting cut under water as well. some hormone rooting powder is a good idea too as it contains anti-fungal agents that`ll help prevent rot from excess water.

free drainage is essential also!

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