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Tell us how and when you came across science forums


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Tell us how and when you came across science forums


I'm just curious, but where's your responce?




For myself, I was a member of 6 other forums. All of them were automotive.

Eventually there became a point where I was sick of the constantly overused and abused racing/rice_burner/political stories/jokes and decided to look for something I find more pleasurable: Science.

This site wasn't too terribly difficult to find, although it was the Only good one I found at the time. Now since a few members have posted other decent forums linkys(i believe physicsforums.net and sciforums.com are some of the more promising) I'm addicted to this.

Mainly due that the physics forum is well, mainly Physics, and sciforums.com is a cluster**** for the lack of a better word. While I like how both of the above said forums have a section for Anthropology/Archaeology, the majority of the issues/threads there are craptastic. I'll just stick around here for a while. Hopefully someday, there may be a need for the mods of this forum to add an Anthropology section, but at this time, there is really no need for that(discounting the typically once-a-month new thread on human evolution of some slight variation than is already posted).

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The first 15 members joined because they were in a chatroom with faf and I and we forced them to :)


Then, this guy called jinx decided to spam the site everywhere (to piss us off, we hated him).

He started out by entering chatrooms "Free XXX Pictures Click Here". So if you're one of the first members, you probably clicked that link ;)


Then he changed his line to:

July 08, 2002

jon <fafalonex@aol.com>


http://www.scienceforums.net/ - created by lab scientists studying at yale - discuss various topics related to science


and posted all over guestbooks etc.

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I used to spend hours a day on cheap gaming forums. The average claimed IQ was around 136, so you can get an idea about what the people there were really like.


After discovering just how low-brow the forums were, my sister suggested that I try and finding one related to an intelligent subject. I said I'd get back to her and continued playing. So she sent me a link to SFN (based on a 10 second search in Google). I made two posts and then forgot about this place for about six months, hence my joining in October 2003 and not really posting anything before April 2004.


In early April I resolved to dump the main game that was interrupting my time when I was in a low point in playing, because exams were coming up. After that I wanted to find another forum to look at (i.e. compulsively refresh) and so I came back here, and I'm glad that I did.


Incidentally I've started playing that game again... just another episode in the saga against subversive computer game mind control.

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I was a member of 2 other forums, before I got banned in one for creating havoc, and left another one for no apparent reason. I am a member of another forum, a very select community. to keep in touch with my old school mates.


I came across this forum when i left the second forum i talked about. Just wanted to talk some Maths to pple, went to google and typed in "Maths Forum". unfortunately, the forum was WAY down in the results, so took me while to find it, but i knew i struck gold when i did.

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Free will. I wanted to talk science. So I went to Google. This site seemed superior on first inspection. So I signed up.


There was no benevolent ghost or unseen force guiding my decisions. I was there. I made them. I know why.

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you want to know my story? well its very similar to that below...


(based on a 10 second search in Google). I made two posts and then forgot about this place for about six months' date=' hence my joining in October 2003 and not really posting anything before April 2004.





it was a coolish evening on the 08.02.04 (or the other way round if you are a spoon :P lol) anyway i was pondering on a question in the car 'whats the strongest acid, could it be a mixture of pure protons?' so a quick google search found me this site the address looked promising so I went on it an posted my question. I didnt really get an answer but the time for the responce was astonishing. I became obsessed with the site, and then started a thread, i dont remember what it was called, 'experimenting on myself' or something like that. It was probably one of the many most stupid things i did, however, whatever I sounded like it was purely hypothetical , you may remember it YT?? [ed84c bows head in shame]. Anyway after a couple more threads for some reason I forgot about the site (probably realised on a pay-per minute internet connection i was on it far too long). I rediscovered it (now on broadband) about a weekago, and once again have become engrosed in the site.

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He started out by entering chatrooms "Free XXX Pictures Click Here". So if you're one of the first members' date=' you probably clicked that link ;)



If that was directed at me i dont know what your are insinuating :P , but what ever it is, your probably right, im a sucker for that sort of thing, and I DONT mean advertising..............lol

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I became obsessed with the site, and then started a thread, i dont remember what it was called, 'experimenting on myself' or something like that. It was probably one of the many most stupid things i did, however, whatever I sounded like it was purely hypothetical , you may remember it YT?? [ed84c bows head in shame'].

Indeed I do :)

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