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Terror Leaflet


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I`ve just heard that in the next 3 weeks every UK houshold will receive a Gov leaflet containing advice about terrorist attacks!

at 7:45 pm on ITV, there will also be the 1`st TV broadcast/advert to this effect.

here`s a little more info about it: http://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30000-1144674,00.html


what`s your opinion(s)?



[edit} feel free to insert better news links in your posts :)

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Blast you, YT. I want to go and spend some time(years) in England/Scotland for obvious reasons, very, very bad.


I think it's a good idea to for your gov't to do that, assuming that they are not keeping anything from the gen.public in terms of reasons for doing this now.

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actualy, from what I`ve read and been told about the leaflet contents, it`s little more than common sense, although I anticipate sales of Canned food and candles to skyrocket over the next month or 2 (panic buying).


here`s an odd quirk that you`ll notice when you get your leaflet, it states Not to use naked flames (it causes house fires) and yet a few pages away, it says to stock up on Matches and Candles!? LOL :)

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unprotected, as in a candle or a match or flamethrower.


a parafin heater, or huricane lantern, are protected flames and it would be very difficult with casual contact, to set fire to something.


anyway, this is entirely besides the point :)

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Information. Forewarning.

So that people will know what do in case something does happen. Thereby keeping panic at a minimum.

Even if it did tell people what to do in every conceivable threat scenario, it would still not keep panic at a minimum.

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You're right, however, I believe that there is or can be such a thing as a Chaos Gradation.

That's nice.


The leaflet is a political tool. There's absolutely no good reason to distribute one to every household in the UK.

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you don`t think there will be any "panic" buying of canned goods then?


I`m not so sure, I don`t think Everyone will be sucker for it, but it`ll only need a few percentage and before you know it, Baked beans on toast will have been a nice memory for a while LOL :)


<anyone wanna buy some black market Spam?>

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People who are afraid turn to their leaders for support and assurance.


Unfortunately, even if the leaders were the ones who turned up the "naked flames" on those fears.


I think it's deplorable, dehumanizing and insidious when governments use terror tactics as an excuse to fight terror tactics.

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Why would there be mass-buying of canned food?


A terrorist attack on the UK is likely to be highly localised' date=' short duration, and target either a public service, or a government or commercial structure.[/quote']

You know that, and I know that, as does a good many others. but it specificaly says in the leaflet to do it! (no kidding) and matches and candles and blankets, never get into your car without a supply of water and food as well as cash and credit cards, I`m seriously not kidding here, it REALLY says all that crap! :)

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I`m seriously not kidding here, it REALLY says all that crap! :)
Our lovely Homeland Security Secretary, Tom Ridge, did a series of horrific commercials urging Americans to protect their homes from biological terror attacks. One of the ways to do this was to use duct tape to seal up cracks in your windows and walls. It resulted in

increased duct tape sales across the country.

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ROFLOL, I remmember seeing that in the news some time back :)


btw, the buzz saying is "get in, tune in, and stay in", If I heard that once I heard it a dozen times today, Kinda reminds me of the old "Duck and Cover" adverts :)


yes people, throw a white blanket over yourself to reflect all that nasty radiation Muhahahaaa :)

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Over here, they are using the 9/11 Commission reports to further secure tax funding for beefed up security. With fear and terror in mind, Americans forget to ask, "Why is it that the intelligence agencies, with multi-billion dollar (secret) budgets, are so far behind the times? Wasn't George Bush Sr the CIA director at one point? Why didn't he and Reagan, during the Cold War, keep the security services well-stocked with state-of-the-art goodies? What did they do with all that money Reagan & Bush I spent? Why isn't it part of their budget to upgrade regularly, the way most people who work on computers do?"

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With fear and terror in mind, Americans forget to ask


Please. Don't act like you know what's in our minds. You only know what your media tells you. We're not rolled up into a collective ball of fear. Quite frankly, the only time it's mentioned is in political debates.


Why is it that the intelligence agencies, with multi-billion dollar (secret) budgets, are so far behind the times?


Secret budgets? Evidence?


Wasn't George Bush Sr the CIA director at one point?


Yea, for a whole year (76-77). What does that have to do with ANYTHING.


Why didn't he and Reagan, during the Cold War, keep the security services well-stocked with state-of-the-art goodies?


They did, but the main threat at that time was nuclear war, not terrorism.


What did they do with all that money Reagan & Bush I spent?


They smuggled the money to the carribean where it resides in a secret bank located far, far underground. I don't know, you tell me. The budget is available in government libraries.


Why isn't it part of their budget to upgrade regularly, the way most people who work on computers do?"


It is.

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Please. Don't act like you know what's in our minds. You only know what your media tells you. We're not rolled up into a collective ball of fear. Quite frankly, the only time it's mentioned is in political debates.
Excuse me? I didn't mean to speak for you, and I'm certainly not buying into the whole paranoia thing, but the majority of Americans are. We don't need to be cowering under the table as long as we're cowering where it counts, allowing those who are supposed to represent us use our fears for our family against us. Every time they play with the alert level people here get a little more paranoid, a little more likely to let the politicians vote in something like the Patriot Act, eroding our civil rights in the name of security.
Secret budgets? Evidence?
Secret, as in undisclosed for reasons of National Security:




Yea, for a whole year (76-77). What does that have to do with ANYTHING.
I would have expected someone with hands-on experience in that field to be more sensitive to its needs. Instead, all we hear about is how the intelligence community is so outdated.
They did, but the main threat at that time was nuclear war, not terrorism.
The main threat is still nuclear war, with countries like North Korea/South Korea and India/Pakistan still uneasy with each other & also nuclear-armed. The means for staying abreast of what is going on in the world don't need to change just because the secrets and the people involved are different. Terrorism is a different threat, to be sure, but what have the CIA & NSA been doing with all that money if not trying to learn about it? My point is that with fear of terrorists with WMDs looming foremost in our minds, we are less likely to ask where the money has been going, and also more likely to throw even more funding to intelligence to fix the "problems" that were supposed to be covered by the last round of funding.
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They're trying to find out if we'll be vaporized by a nuclear attack. You can't just suddenly send all of your agents out of Russia and North Korea and send them to Syria, Iran, and Afghanistan. It doesn't work that way. Most of the satellites are in orbit to hit Russia more than other places. We can't change that all. So intelligence needs MORE money to change all that.

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