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Particle Alignment Collider, N Garbage Recycling

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i theorize this


it works by forcing matter into a state of compression, where by on a certain plane, the quantity begins to share energy (forcing random garbage together), then sorting the energy.


i use pressure because by the time the matter begins to shift under certain pressure, i would imagine that you can use that pressure to keep the process going. (dropping 1000 tonnes of garbage ontop of another 2000 tonnes, then under electomagnetic force)


this causes an alignment of energy, as the energies align, i believe they can be sorted.


fact or fiction?






Please excuse the crude nature of the drawing, i hope to get my point across.

Also notice that in the second sketch, its hard to tell, but yes the angles where it shows the new energy deflecting off are pointed back toward the incoming. this is correct, and what i meant by 'needs sorting'. probably by another field around the point of contact, to angle the deflections toward any collector, etc. thank you


(please refer to my attached SECOND sketch)


let Purple ,Green and Red be fields of the same polarity.


let Blue be the channel (tube) surrounding the process (this would be the casing)



the unrecycled matter is funnelled along Corridor Blue until it is intercepted by field purple,


bring the greater field of purple and red, will force the matter in toward the purple red field

(if the stream BLUE is positive and negative aligned, a second field can be applied at PURPLE RED to make a first alignment conversion)



assume the energy from the point of purple toward red all goes the same way(in toward red)



the cylinder GREY which surrounds the field would be alligned to purple and red

hence compressing from 3 directions, creating a cone




at this point I noticed to have created a 3d point of energy?



now you know this is not possible given that energy on the field point would be moved instantly


that is my point



With Regards,


C Biluk

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