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Why wouldn't you consider a burner or heater of some sort? It's surely be much less time consuming and you'd get more heat...


a candle flame (although sooty) will give a much better local heat, and is not dependant upon material color reflecting all the photonic energy away.


nope, but then nor would a magnifying glass :)


ever set fire to paper with a mag glass? it`s VERY hard! yet a candle will do it easily.

Soooo you`de be just that bit closer, but then saying that, I`ve never known a bunsen or blow torch melt NaCl either? :)


I`ve no idea, I know I`ve tried it, and it seems to "snap crackle and pop" and do very little else, I`ll be the 1`st to stick my hands up and say that I`ve never succesfully melted Sodium Chloride. infact my Chem teacher (way back in the early 80`s) never managed to do it either, the electrodes were placed, the heat was on, it went White (we lost loads due to water in the salt popping) and still nothing happened.


if ya can do it, let us know how, and more importantly take pics if you can :)


they don`t cost alot :)


in fact the butane/propane fuel mix is the most expensive!

I made my own when I was a kid, I used a peice of wood and 4 nails (one was bent at 90 degrees) I bought a lighter refil can of butane from the local newsagents shop, I put 1 nail behind the can into a peice of wood, 2 nails side by side at the other end to keep the can in place on the wood (pinned at both ends) and the bent nail I used as the tap at the back of the can, I turn the nail, it puts pressure on the valve (also held in place with the 2 nails I mentioned) and the more I turn the nail, the more gas comes out :)


the bunsen was made with a peice of copper pipe and the large section of a telescopic walkie talkie antenna soldered on to it :)



it`s really not that difficult :)



btw, I was about 8 years old at the time, so you`ll have NO PROBLEM doing the same :)


well you`re prolly aware of the old saying "Where there`s a will, there`s a way".


I was and AM very head strong (typical Taurus), I wanted, I didn`t have, so... I MADE! :))

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