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antenatal antibody screen / ABO incompatibility

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Guest sique


in the vague hope someone might be able to answer this.. *fingers crossed*


in routine antenatal antibody screen, is it possible to test for anti-A and anti-B as well as the minor significant antibodies (i.e. Rh(D), K, Fya etc)? It seems obvious you'd do a Coombs test with patient serum and known red cells, but i'd like to know if you can differentiate between IgG and IgM anti-A/B antibodies. (Or is that already inherent in the indirect Coombs method? because you add anti-human IgG? a bit confused here...)


It's because i'd like to know whether or not you can tell early on that a type-O mother will develop IgG antibodies that have the potential to cause HDN in a type-A/B foetus.


thanks in advance,


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