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Jimmy Neutron Soup

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Jimmy Neutron Soup.



:eek: This stuff owns!


Do you mean the theme song for his show by Bowling for Soup or is this some new gastronomical delight? Is it an alphabet-type soup that spells out an element from the periodic tables each time you stir it?

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the kind of soup you spell out supercalafragulisticexpialadocious with. Actually it just has noodles in the many shapes of Jimmy Neutronish.

Actually it just has noodles in the many shapes of Jimmy Neutronish.
How many shapes could there be? Kid with enormous head arms up, kid with enormous head arms down, what else is there?


Here's the big question: do you feel smarter after you eat them? Even for a little while?

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why do you think I do eat them. None other then to feel smarter. They are in shapes like his dog, friends. So not only do you get the intelligence of the mighty Neutron but the amazing Artifical Intelligence of his dog. Don't ask why I capitalize A.I... It is juzt that cool.

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