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Seismo- electromagnetics equation help

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Over the past 5 months there has been an increase in solar activity thus an increase in seismic activity, such as the earthquakes in Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Haiti, Chile, Turkey, and China and the volcanic eruption in Iceland. NASA’s STEREO program has been monitoring solar activity and has observed a significant amount of solar phenomenon. All of these earthquakes occurred in locations closest to the edges of the tectonic plates. Solar activity has a direct relationship on seismic activity. Think of a solar wind as a stream of plasma or energy hitting the Earth’s magnetic field for a period of 2-3 days. Granted, there has been solar phenomenon throughout the existence of our solar system, and seismic activity as well. The point is the two go hand in hand and solar activity has a direct effect on the planet’s tectonic plate movement. It is basically the driving force for the tectonic plates. As a result Earth’s core temperature gradually increases. This increase in the Earth’s core temperature causes the core to expand, thus causing Earth’s crust to be pushed outward and tectonic plates to move all at once, moving easier due to the hotter surface underneath it. As a result you see fissures created, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes erupting. A simple analogy would be to compare the planet to a space ship protected by a force field. When plasma blasts are fired at the shield, the field generator heats up. If too much plasma blast is fired at the ship, the generator over heats and the ship is vulnerable to exposure to plasma blasts. This same analogy could be applied to the planet, but the planet’s generator does not cease to function. It just overheats. As a result of the core overheating it causes earthquakes. A simple calorimetry equation could be applied to this to explain how energy causes temperatures to rise.



Q= mc∆T where

Q= energy (kilojoules)

m = mass (g)

c= specific heat capacity* (joules/ grams x Kelvin)

∆T= change in temperature (final Temperature- initial Temperature)


The specific heat capacity of a substance is defined as the energy/temperature required raising the temperature of a substance by one Kelvin. Thus you can use this equation to determine the amount of energy created to cause a specific mass to raise it’s internal temperature by knowing the mass of the substance (m) multiplied by the specific heat capacity © multiplied by the Final temperature of the substance – the initial= ∆T or change in temperature. You can translate this equation by saying energy is created due to a change in temperature, and a change in temperature creates energy. (Q=∆T or ∆T=Q). You can expand on this equation and apply it to the planet and create a new equation.


This equation has not been published but it is based on A New Theory of Magnetic Storms (WIKIPEDIA). This theory sought to explain the phenomenon of geomagnetic storms. It is now understood that the Sun continually emits plasma in the solar wind and that this phenomenon is amplified whenever solar flares occur. I based this equation on the theory of which Earth’s magnetic shield is created. Earth’s magnetic shield is created by a constant amount of energy (the core) spinning so fast that its energy has no where else to go but outside of the container of which it is contained in, in the form of electromagnetic energy. Earth’s velocity of rotation is held constant because in space once an object is set in motion it stays in motion. Earth’s core energy is maintained by a constant/ adequate amount of energy emitted from the sun in the form of plasma that maintains the high temperature of the Earth’s core.



In order for this equation to work I have to add some factors into the equation to account for how the Earth’s magnetic shield is made. I add factors of the speed at which the planet is rotating, stable temperature to produce an electromagnetic shield, and the amount of energy exerted from the sun in the form of plasma.


I call this equation EC equation after my initials and it stands for Earth Calorimetry


(-P)+[Q= MCS( T+P)] where


Q= energy of the magnetic field

P= the energy in the form of plasma expelled from the sun

M= mass of the planet

C= the specific heat capacity of the core

S= the speed of rotation (velocity)

T= the stable temperature of the core to produce the electromagnetic field


Where P has a direct relationship on maintaining a stable T (in temperature/ energy) spinning at S (velocity) to project energy outward in the form of an electromagnetic energy. However P (plasma energy) diminishes Q, but at the same time it adds to the internal temperature (T) to produce Q. This is called the exchange of energy from electromagnetic shield to the core, thus in order to maintain a stable T and a strong Q, P<Q (the energy exerted from plasma has to be weaker than the electromagnetic shield). Plasma energy from the sun is necessary in maintaining our magnetic shield, but in an adequate amount. If P increases, then T increases because T is positively affected by the energy from plasma and Q becomes weaker because it is negatively affected by plasma. Thus when P= a higher amount of energy that is needed from solar phenomenon such as solar flares and strong solar winds, the core heats up and expands due to an increase in temperature, and causes all tectonic plates to move and volcanoes to erupt. Collisions between two or more plates cause earthquakes and if it’s in the ocean tsunamis occur.




To determine the distance of which each tectonic plate moves you can use the right side of the top equation.


MCS(T+P)= Energy required to make the electromagnetic field or EME


You use this value to make this equation:


EME/ the mass of one tectonic plate by an amount of distance multiplied by energy necessary to move it.




EME divided by (mass of one tectonic plate (m) divided by x amount of distance(d) multiplied by energy(e)


EME/ (m/d x e)= distance of which the plate travels


Each distance of which each plate travels will be different because each plate has a different mass.




To determine magnitude you have to know which direction each plate is traveling and its velocity.


Velocity= distance/time


To determine velocity you have to determine the amount of energy exerted on the magnetic shield per the amount of time, thus you will know the distance per amount of time.


When you determine which way the plates moves you can find the magnitude of impact between two plates by knowing the mass of the heavier plate multiplied by its velocity by the mass of the lighter plate multiplied by its velocity.


(Greater Value =Mass of plate A (MA) x velocity) divided by (Lesser Value = Mass of plate B (MB) x velocity) = The magnitude of impact.




(MA x VA)= MAV

(MB x VB)= MBV


If MAV>MBV then

MAV/MBV= Magnitude of impact.


If MBV>MAV then

MBV/MAV= Magnitude of impact.


Over the next two years the planet will be at risk of a higher amount of solar phenomenon (strong solar winds and solar flares), in terms of frequency of event, magnitude of event, and duration time of each event. This period is called a solar maximum. The solar maximum is believed to be caused by a smaller gravitational force affecting the mass of a larger object in space. This gravitational force is believed to be caused by the mass of a brown dwarf beyond the Oort cloud or the mass of the center of our solar system’s universe. This mass is believed to cause the perturbing orbits of our gas giants thus the gravitational pull of this mass has to be greater than the gas giants but less than our sun.

(Gas giants < Mass of object causing the solar phenomenon < Mass of our sun) or

(G < MOSP < S)

The same way in which the moon affects our planet (the tides of the ocean), this lesser gravitational force of attraction affects the tides of our sun. When it is high tide, it produces an abundant amount of solar phenomenon. There are 3 scenarios during a solar maximum classified by the amount of energy expelled from the sun. These 3 levels of risk factors also depend on the frequency of phenomenon, magnitude of phenomenon, and duration time of each phenomenon.


LOW RISK FACTOR- The amount of energy supplied by each solar phenomenon is enough energy to raise the temperature of the core to cause earthquakes ranging from 6.0- 10.0, causing volcanic eruption, fissure formations, and tsunamis.


INTERMEDIATE RISK FACTOR- The amount of energy supplied by each solar phenomenon is enough energy to significantly raise the temperature of the core to cause earthquakes ranging from 6.0- 14.0, causing an abundant amount of volcanic eruptions, an abundant amount of fissure formations, and mega tsunamis. The aftermath of the volcanic eruptions will cast the entire planet into a nuclear winter due to the ash in the atmosphere. Global climates will plummet, destroying all agriculture and creating global famine. Humanity could see a significant reduction in population due to fatalities of such events as well as the aftermath.


HIGH RISK FACTOR- The amount of energy supplied by each solar phenomenon is so significant and perpetual that the core temperature continuously rises and “OVERHEATS” causing an abundant amount of high magnitude earthquakes, mega tsunamis, and super volcanic eruptions world wide. The amount of energy would be so significant that the magnetic shied is so damaged that it is not repairable. As a result of the core overheating, the iron/nickel alloy that makes up the core is omitted by an abundant amount of volcanic eruptions, thus covering the planet in iron/ nickel alloy. The aftermath of such event would be extinction of life on Earth. Thousands of years later the iron/ nickel alloy will oxidize and create rust and the electromagnetic shield will be weak. The planet will basically be dead. I believe this is what happened to Mars. Mars was once a planet like ours, but an abundant amount of energy killed the planet.




If the upcoming chain of events from the solar maximum is of low risk, the aftermath of such events will allow humanity to continue. This study and equation could be very valuable information in the development of new technologies. We could in a sense replicate this complex process of nature. We could create a smaller yet proportional in size model of the planet. This model’s core will consist of and iron/ nickel alloy, followed by layers of material that mimics the layers of our planet. In order to create the energy necessary to start the heat of the core we would have to have a nano-atomic bomb, to generate a significant amount of energy. We would also have to have enough energy to create the right amount of velocity necessary to produce the energy outside of its container. Once this is achieved we could harness the thermal energy of this process of creating this electric magnetic field to maintain its velocity. We would also have to apply an electromagnetic current to maintain the adequate temperature/ energy of the core to produce the electromagnetic shield. We could also harness the thermal energy of this process to produce electricity.







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