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here's the rest of the CRV manual:



A. Concept:


As Stage II progresses the aperture opens dramatically wider than was the case with either Stage I or early Stage II. Dimensionals begin to emerge and the threshold is reached for the transition into Stage III. The shift into full Stage III is triggered by aesthetic impact (see below). It is after this point that the true dimensionality of the site may begin to be expressed. This differs from dimensional elements encountered previously, in that Stage II dimensionals are individual aspects of the site, while Stage III dimensionality is a composite of inherent site aspects. The concept of "the viewer's perspective" must, however, be avoided because in Stage III the viewer has not yet reached the point where complete comprehension and appreciation of the size, shape, and dimensional composition of the overall site can be ascertained. Generally, the viewer himself is not precisely aware of his own perceptual relationship to the site and therefore not consciously aware of the true relationship of all the dimensional components he is able to debrief from Stage III. As is discussed in various sections below, he must rely on the various tools available in Stage III to obtain and organize the increased information he is perceiving. Although Stage III can provide a great deal of information about any given site, the goal of Stage III is command of structure.


B. Definitions:


1. Aesthetic: Sensitivity of response to given site.


2. Drawing: The act of representing something by line, etc.


3. Idea: Mental conception; a vague impression; a hazy perception; a model or archetype.


4. Impact: A striking together; changes, moods, emotions, sometimes very gross, but may be very weak or very subtle.


5. Mobility: The state or quality of being mobile.


6. Motion: The act or process of moving.


7. Perceptible: That which can be grasped mentally through the senses.


8. Prompt: To incite to move or to action; move or inspire by suggestion.


9. Rendering: Version; translation (often highly detailed).


10. Sketch: To draw the general outline without much detail; to describe the principle points (idea) of.


11. To Track: To trace by means of vestiges, evidence, etc.; to follow with a line.


12. Vision: One of the faculties of the sensorum, connected to the visual senses out of which the brain constructs an image.


C. Site Requirements:


A site selected for Stage III would logically require significant dimensional components. Locales such as bridges, monuments, airports, unusual natural formations, etc. are useful Stage III sites.


D. The Six Primary Dimensionals:


1. Diagonal: Something that extends between two or more other things; a line connecting two points of intersection of two lines of a figure.


2. Horizontal: Parallel to the plane of the horizon.


3. Mass: Extent of whatever forms a body--usually matter.


4. Space: Distance interval or area between or within things. "Empty distance."


5. Vertical: Perpendicular to the plane of the horizon; highest point/lowest point (i.e., height or depth).


6. Volume: A quantity; bulk; mass; or amount.


E. Aesthetic Impact:


As the aperture widens rapidly from Stage II, a virtual avalanche of site information begins to impact on the viewer's unconscious. The cumulative effect of all this detail is to trigger a subjective response from the viewer. This opening of the aperture and subsequent subjective response is called Aesthetic Impact (AI) and is the viewer's subjective emotional response to the site. It is best described as "how the site makes the viewer feel." AI may immediately follow two Stage II dimensional responses, but it will certainly follow three or more. It may be experienced and expressed in a variety of ways. A simple exclamation of "Wow!" may be the AI response when one is suddenly impressed by the immensity of some natural formation, such as the Grand Canyon or Yosemite's Half Dome. On the other hand, such a site might just as easily spark a feeling of vertigo or fear of falling, or cause one to remark, ":This is really tall (or deep)!". A pulp mill might trigger an AI reaction of revulsion because of the nauseating smells. Or a comprehension of the grandeur or squalor of a site might cause one to have a sudden appreciate of beauty or ugliness. Other examples of AI might be claustrophobia, loneliness, fright, pleasantness, relaxation, enjoyment, etc.


AI need not be pronounced to be present; in fact, it may often be quite subtle and difficult to recognize. It may sometimes be a sudden, mild cognitive recognition of the abrupt change in perspective, or a slight surprise or alteration of attitude about the site. Some viewers who in the past have had little experience with direct contact with their emotions may have difficulty recognizing that they experience AI, and may even be convinced it doesn't happen to them. Such individuals must exercise a great deal of caution not to sublimate or suppress AI recognition, and require additional exposure to AI to help them learn to recognize and declare it appropriately.


The monitor also has a role to play in helping the viewer to recognize AI. Body language, eye movement, and specific speech patterns can all be cues to the experienced monitor that AI is present. The monitor must draw the viewer's attention to the existence of an undeclared AI when he observes the "symptoms" of an AI unrecognized by the viewer.


It is extremely important to properly recognize and declare (objectify) AI, since how one deals with it can determine the entire course of the session from that point on. The viewer may not work through AI. Aesthetic Impact must be recognized, declared, and allowed to thoroughly dissipate. Should the viewer err and attempt to work through AI, all information from that point on will be colored by the subjective filter of the emotional experience encountered, and AOL Drive and AOL "Peacocking" (discussed under AOL, below) can be expected to arise.



AI is dealt with in the following manner. Moving through Stage II, the viewer begins to debrief a cluster of two or more basic dimensionals. He suddenly realizes that the aperture is expanding, and that in conjunction he is having a subjective emotional reaction to the site--whether pronounced or mild. He then states aloud as he objectifies on his paper "AI Break." He then briefly says aloud and writes on the paper what the AI is. Declarations can be everything from a simple "Wow!" to "Disgusting!" to "I like this place" to "Vertigo" to "I feel sick" to "This is boring" to "I'm impressed by how tall this is" to "Absolutely massive!". The viewer by taking this "AI Break" effectively disengages himself temporarily from the signal line and allows the emotional response to dissipate. The time required for this can vary from a few brief seconds for a mild AI to hours for one that is especially emphatic.

It is important to note that, though many sites elicit essentially the same response in every individual who remote views it, each person is different than every other and therefore under certain circumstances and with certain sites AI responses may differ significantly from viewer to viewer. One example of this that has frequently been related is a small sandy spit off of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. One viewer, a highly gregarious woman who enjoys social interactions, when given the site responded that it made her feel bleak, lonesome, depressed, abandoned. On the other hand, a viewer who had spent a great deal of his time in nature and away from large numbers of other humans experienced the site as beautiful and refreshing. Since AI is subjective, such variations are not unexpected, and under the right circumstances [are] usually appropriate.


F. Motion/Mobility:


Two variations of the concept of movement are recognized as being available to the viewer during Stage III. The first is the idea of motion at the site: an object or objects at the site may be observed as they shift position or are displaced from one location to another. For example, there may be automobile traffic present, a train moving through the area, or whirling or reciprocating machinery, etc.


"Mobility," the second movement concept, is the ability possessed by the viewer in Stage III to shift his viewpoint to some extent from point to point about the site, and from one perspective to another, i.e., further back, closer up, from above, or below, etc. This ability makes possible the projection of trackers and sketches as described below. An additional feature this introduces is the ability to shift focus of awareness from one site to another using a polar coordinate concept. This is more fully explained under Movement/Movement Exercises, which follows.


G. Dimensional Expression on Paper:


1. Sketches:


a. Spontaneous sketches: With the expansion of the aperture and after dissipation of AI, the viewer is prepared to make representations of the site dimensional aspects with pen on paper. A sketch is a rapidly executed general idea of the site. In some cases it may be high representational of the actual physical appearance of the site, yet in other cases only portions of the site appear. The observed accuracy or aesthetic qualities of a sketch are not particularly important. The main function of the sketch is to stimulate further intimate contact with the signal line while continuing to aid in the suppression of the viewer's subjective analytic mental functionings. Sketches are distinguished from drawings by the convention that drawings are more deliberate, detailed representations and are therefore subject to far greater analytic (and therefore AOL-producing) interpretation in their execution.


b. Analytic Sketches: Analytic sketches are produced using a very carefully controlled analytic process usually employed only when a satisfactory spontaneous sketch as described above is not successfully obtained. An analytic sketch is obtained by first listing all dimensional responses obtained in the session, including those contained in the "A" components of the various Coordinate/I/A/B prompting sequences, in the order and frequency they manifest themselves on the session transcript. Each of these dimensional elements apparently manifests itself in order of its importance to the gestalt of which it is a part. So, for example, if in the first "A" component of the session one encounters "across, rising," thee two would head the list, and their approximate placement on the paper will be determined by the viewer before any other. A second list is then compiled, listing all secondary attributes of the site. Finally, a list may be made if desired of any significant "details" that do not fit into the previous two categories.


In analytic sketching the intuitive part of the viewer's apparatus is not shut off. He must continue to attempt to "feel" the proper placement of the dimensional elements of the site. In fact, the purpose of this approach to sketching is to "re-ignite" the viewer's intuition. As each element on the primary list is taken in order, the viewer must "feel" the proper position for that element in relation to the others. If the dimensional element "round" is listed, it must be determined how a rounded element fits in with "across," "rising," "flat," "wide," "long," and any other dimensional elements that may have preceded it. When elements from the primary list are exhausted, the viewer may duplicate the process with those from the secondary list. If necessary and desirable, the viewer may proceed to the details list and assign them their appropriate locations.


2. Trackers: Stage III contact with the site may on occasion produce an effect known as a tracker. This is executed by a series of closely spaced dots or dashed lines made by pen on paper, and describes a contour, profile, or other dimensional aspect of the site. Trackers are formed in a relatively slow and methodical manner. The viewer holds pen in hand, lifting it off the paper between each mark made, thereby allowing the autonomic nervous system, through which the signal line is being channeled, to determine the placement of each successive mark. While constructing a tracker, it is possible for the viewer to spontaneously change from executive the tracker to executing a sketch, and back again.


3. Spontaneous Ideograms: At any point in the sketch/tracker process, an ideogram may spontaneously occur. This most probably relates to a sub-gestalt of the site, and should be treated like any other ideogram. It will produce "A" and "B" components, Stage IIs, and so forth. Because of the possibility for the occurrence of these spontaneous ideograms with their potential for conveying additional important site information, viewers are strongly counseled to always keep their pen on paper to the greatest extent practical.


H. Movement/Movement Exercises:


An outgrowth of the viewer mobility concept involves the ability of the viewer to shift his focus from one site to other sites using a polar coordinate concept. This is often termed a "movement" or "movement exercise," and is executed thusly. The viewer is given the coordinates for the base site, and the session proceeds as normal: I/A/B, Stage IIs, dimensionals, AI to Stage III sketches/trackers. When the monitor is confident that the viewer has successfully locked onto this primary site, he tells the viewer to "prepare for movement." The viewer accordingly places his pen on the left side of the paper, indicating he is ready for a new prompting coordinate as per convention. The monitor then tells the viewer to acquire the central site. The viewer responds with a very brief, few-word description of the base site, whereupon the monitor gives a prompting statement in lieu of the usual geographic coordinate. This statement includes a distance and direction from the base site, and is couched in words as neutral, passive and non-suggestive (therefore less AOL-inducing) as possible.


By way of example, let us assume that the base site is a large grey structure, and the secondary site to which the viewer's focus is to be moved is 8 1/2 miles northwest of the base site. The monitor will say "Acquire the site," to which the viewer responds approximately, "A large grey structure." The monitor then says "8 1/2 miles (to the) northwest something should be visible." Just as he would a geographic coordinate, the viewer objectifies this phrase by writing it down, places his pen on the paper to receive the ideogram, and progresses from there just as if he were processing any other new site.


Note, however, the very neutral way the monitor provided the prompting. He avoided such leading words as, "What do you see 8 1/2 miles northwest?" or "You should be able to see (hear/feel/smell) something 8 1/2 miles northwest." Observe also that "motion words" ("move," "shift," "go," etc.) were also avoided. Words and phraseology of either type tends to cause the viewer to take an active role, directly attempting to perceive the site instead of letting the signal line bring the information to him. This sort of active involvement greatly encourages the development of AOL and other mental noise effects.


Instead, the passive wording used by the monitor stimulates the analytic component of the mind as little as possible, allowing uncontaminated signal line data to be received. Examples of acceptable passively framed words relating to sensory involvement are: "should be visible," "hearable," "smellable," "feelable," "tasteable," etc. In earlier stages sensory-based wording would have been avoided as a catalyst to AOL. With the widened aperture in Stage III, however it may be used successfully.


This movement technique may be used any number of times, starting either from the original base site, or from one of the other subsequent sites to which the viewer's perception has been "moved."



I. Analytic Overlay (AOL) in Stage III:

1. AOL Matching: With the expansion in aperture inherent in Stage III, and after appropriate AI, the AOL phenomenon develops to where a viewer's AOL may match or nearly match the actual signal line impression of the site. For example, if the site were Westminster Abbey, the viewer might produce the AOL of Notre Dame cathedral. Or he might even actually get an image of Westminster Abbey that nevertheless fills all the criteria for an AOL. According to theory, the matching AOL is superimposed over the true signal line. It is however possible with practice to distinguish the vague parameters of the true signal line "behind" the bright, distinct, but somewhat translucent image of the AOL. The viewer must become proficient at "seeing through" the AOL to the signal line. Use of "seeing through" here must not be taken to imply any visual image in the accepted sense of the word, but rather as a metaphor best describing the perceptory effect that manifests itself.


2. AOL Drive: Although mentioned before, AOL Drive becomes a serious concern beginning in Stage III. It occurs when the viewer's system is caught up in an AOL to the extent that the viewer at least temporarily believes he is on the signal line, even though he is not. When two or more similar AOLs are observed in close proximity, AOL drive should be suspected. AOL drive is indicated by one or more of the following: repeating signals; signal line ending in blackness; peculiar (for that particular viewer) participation in the signal line; and/or peacocking. Causes for AOL drive include accepting a false "B" component in Stage I; or accepting a false sketch or undeclared AOL in Stage III. Undeclared AOLs can spawn AOL drive in all other stages beyond Stage III as well. Once it is realized that AOL drive is present, the viewer should take an "AOL/D Break" (as discussed under STRUCTURE), then review his data to determine at what point he accepted the AOL as legitimate data. After a sufficient break the viewer should resume the session with the data obtained before the AOL drive began. Listed below are two subspecies of AOL drive.


a. Ratcheting: The recurrence of the same AOL over and over again as if trapped in a feedback loop.


b. AOL "Peacocking": The rapid unfolding, one right after another, of a series of brilliant AOLs, each building from one before, analogous to the unfolding of a peacock's tail



A. Concept:


With the successful accomplishment of Stage III, the viewer has become subject to an enormous flood of information available from the site. Previously, such a flow of data would have been overwhelming, and those circumstances in Stages I through III in which the viewer found himself so inundated would have required the taking of a "Too Much Break." At this point, however, it becomes both possible and necessary to 1) establish a systemic structure to provide for the orderly, consistent management of the volumes of information that may be obtained, and 2) facilitate and guide the viewer's focusing of perceptions on ever finer and finer detail of the site. This is accomplished through the use of an information matrix which is illustrated below. Stage IV is a refinement and expansion of the previous structure to facilitate more complete and detailed decoding of the signal line.


B. Definitions:


Most of the terms used in a Stage IV matrix have been defined previously. Those that have not are explained as follows:


1. Emotional Impact: The perceived emotions or feelings of the people at the site or of the viewer. Sometimes the site itself possesses an element of emotional impact, which is imprinted with long or powerful associations with human emotional response.


2. Tangibles: Objects or characteristics at the site which have solid, "touchable" impact on the perceptions of the viewer, i.e., tables, chairs, tanks, liquids, trees, buildings, intense smells, noises, colors, temperatures, machinery, etc.


3. Intangibles: Qualities of the site that are perhaps abstract or not specifically defined by tangible aspects of the site, such as purposes, non-physical qualities, categorizations, etc.; i.e., "governmental," "foreign," "medical," "church," "administrative," "business," "data-processing," "museum," "library," etc.


4. AOL/S: Virtually synonymous with the previously considered term "AOL Matching," AOL/Signal occurs when an AOL produced by the viewer's analytic mental machinery almost exactly matches the site, and the viewer can to some extent "look" through the AOL image to perceive the actual site. The advantage of AOL/S in Stage IV is that it allows the information to be used without calling a break. One can ask, "What is this trying to tell me about the site?" As an example, the viewer may perceive the Verazzano Narrows Bridge when in fact the site is actually the George Washington Bridge.


5. Dimensionals: "Dimensionals" have an even broader meaning here than in Stage III. In Stage IV, more detailed and complex dimensionals can be expected and are now considered to be in structure and therefore more reliable. "Spired," "twisted," "edged," "partitioned," etc. are only a few examples.


C. Stage IV Matrix:


To provide the necessary structure for coherent management of this information, matrix column headings are constructed across the top of the paper thusly:




These headings stand for the following:


1. S-2: Stage II information (sensory data).


2. D: Dimensionals.


3. AI: Aesthetic Impact.


4. EI: Emotional Impact.


5. T: Tangibles.


6. I: Intangibles.


7. AOL: Analytic Overlay.


8. AOL/S: AOL/Signal.


D. Session Format and Mechanics:


As the viewer produces Stage IV responses (generally single words that describe the concepts received via the signal line) they are entered in the matrix under their appropriate categories. The matrix is filled in left to right, going from the more sense-based Stage IIs and dimensional towards the ever more refined information to the right, and top to bottom, following the natural flow of the signal line. Stage IV information, similar to that of Stage II, comes to the viewer in clusters. Some particular aspect of the site will manifest itself, and the sub-elements pertaining to that aspect will occur relatively rapidly to the viewer in the general right-to-left and top-to-bottom pattern just described. Some degree of vertical spacing can be expected between such clusters, an indication that each of these clusters represents a specific portion of the site.


Entries in a properly filled-in matrix will tend to move slantwise down the page from the upper left to lower right with some amount of moving back and forth from column to column. Stage IIs and dimensionals retain their importance in site definition, while AOLs and AIs, once they have been recognized and objectified as such, so not require a major interruption in the flow of the signal line as was the case in previous stages. In fact, AOLs now frequently become closely associated with the site and may lead directly to "AOL matching," or AOL/Signal, as it is categorized in the matrix and described above. EI tends to manifest itself comparatively more slowly than information in other categories. If people are present, for example, EI pertaining to them may be effectively retrieved by placing the pen in the EI column of the matrix. Several moments of subsequent waiting may then be required for the signal to build and deliver its available information. Tangibles will frequently produce immediate sketches or ideograms, which lead to yet more intimate contact with the signal line.


Some degree of control over the order of information retrieval from the signal line can be exercised by the viewer, determined by which column he chooses to set his pen to paper. This acts as a prompting mechanism to induce the signal line to provide information pertinent to the column selected. For example, if more intangibles relating to the site are desired, the pen may be placed in the "I" column to induce the extraction of intangible information from the signal line.


The Stage IV process can be very rapid, and care must be taken to accurately decode and record the data as it comes. However, if as sometimes happens the signal flow should slow, it is recommended that resting the pen on paper in the "EI" column may enhance retrieval of "EI" information, which in turn may potentially stimulate further signal line activity and acquisition.


theres 2 more stages, Those things take ridiculous amount of time to type and edit so just gotta wait.


THis manual is from 1980s , declassified in 1998 and people were sued over releasing this before it was declassified.

Originally posted by Adam

THis manual is from 1980s , declassified in 1998 and people were sued over releasing this before it was declassified.

That's neat, because then it'll (the case) be matter of public record. Details of the case please.

Originally posted by Giles

That's neat, because then it'll (the case) be matter of public record. Details of the case please.


it's not in public records.

Originally posted by Adam

it's not in public records.

Why not?


You just said it was declassified and released. People were sued over it according to you. Despite it not being classified.



A. Concept:


Stage V is unique among the remote viewing stages thus far discussed in that it does not rely on a direct link to the signal line to obtain the information reported. Instead, data is derived through accessing the information already available below the liminal threshold in the brain and autonomic nervous system. This information is deposited in earlier stages when the signal line passes through the system and "imprints" data on the brain by causing cognitrons to form through the rearrangement of the brain's neuronal clusters into the appropriate patterns, roughly analogous to what occurs in a computer's memory storage when it receives a data dump.


Information "stored" in a cognitron can be accessed by a certain prompting methodology. In normal brain functioning, cognitrons are induced to deliver up the information they store through some stimulus delivered by the brain, much in the same way as a capacitor in an electronic circuit can be triggered to release its stored electric charge.


When properly prompted, the information released consists of sub-elements which together form the complete cognitron. For example, the concept "religious" may be represented by one complete cognitron (cluster of neurons); each neuron would store a sub-element of that cognitron. Hence, the cognitron for "religious" could have neurons storing data for the following elements: "quiet," "incense," "harmonious chanting," "bowed heads," "robes," "candles," "dimly lit," "reverence," "worship," "respect," etc. If attention is paid to what underlies the concept of "religious" as it is originally evoked in Stage IV, the sub-elements, which may themselves provide valuable information far beyond their collective meaning of "religious," may be broken out and assembled. These sub-elements as they are brought forth in Stage V are known as "emanations" ("emanate" literally defined means, "to issue from a source, to flow forth, to emit, or to issue").


B. Definitions:


1. Objects: An object is a thing that can be seen or touched. "Objects" can be understood as those physical items present at the site that helped cause the cognitron to form in the viewer's mind and hence prompt his response of "religious;" i.e., "robes," "candles," "incense," etc.


2. Attributes: An attribute is a characteristic or quality of a person or thing. "Attributes" applies to those characteristics of the site that contributed to cognitron formation and the aforementioned viewer response: "quiet," "dimly lit," "echoing," "large," etc.


3. Subjects: "Subject" is defined as "something dealt with in a discussion, study, etc.," "Subjects" are emanations that might serve a nominative function in describing the site, or be abstract intangibles, or they could be more specific terms dealing with function, purpose, nature, activities, inhabitants, etc., of the site: in the above example, "reverence," "worship," "respect," "harmonious chanting," etc.


4. Topics: "Topic" is defined as "a subject of discourse or of a treatise; a theme for discussion." Closely related to "subjects," "topics" often prove to be sub-elements of one or more of the subjects already listed, and frequently are quite specific: "mass," "Catholic," "priest," "communion," and so forth. An interesting phenomenon to be here considered is that just as one of the subjects encountered may produce several topics, a topic itself may in turn be considered as a subject and produce topics of its own. This construction appears to be very hierarchical and "fractalized," with larger cognitrons being subdivided into smaller ones, which in turn can be further divided, and so on. In fact, any emanation thus "broken out," or "stage-fived" can itself often be further "stage-fived," and subdivided into its own object/attribute/subject/topic categories.


C. Format and Structure:


Because extreme caution must be exercised to avoid phrases or promptings that might either induce AOL or otherwise unnecessarily engage the viewer's analytic mental processes, a sort of "hypo-stimulative" type of referral system must be used to "target" the viewer. This is accomplished by dividing the possible types of emanations obtainable into four categories: objects, attributes, subjects, and topics, then prompting the release of subliminally-held information by saying and writing "Emanations," followed only by a question mark.


In actual execution, the Stage V format would look somewhat as follows:













dimly lit










harmonious chanting











Note the arrangement of the prompters. First is written the word or concept being broken out. Directly under it is the particular category to be considered. Finally comes the word "emanations," followed by a question mark. This methodology was developed as the best means of directing a query into the neural "data storage area" of the subconscious without inadvertent "hinting," suggestion, or engagement of analytic processes. The word "emanations" represents the sub-elements or component parts of the "religious" cognitron which emerged from the subconscious as a collective concept for these sub-elements. Because it possesses the combined neural energy of the aforementioned components, during Stage IV the overall cognitron-concept is able to pass into the conscious awareness of the viewer with relative ease. The sub-elements themselves, however, have insufficient impetus to individually break unaided through the Liminal barrier into the consciousness of the viewer, and must intentionally be invoked through the Stage V process.


It is suspected that the most amount of information will probably be derived from attribute or topic categories, though at times both object and subject headings might provide significant volumes of information. If, as occasionally may happen, all four categories are prompted and no responses result, it can be supposed that one of two situations exist: the response being stage-fived is either already at its lowest form, or it is really AOL.


D. Implications:


The value of Stage V is readily apparent. Though the sum total of the information obtained quite validly might produce the overall cognitron of "religious" in the context of an RV session, once rendered down to its sub-elements and details the cognitron produces a wealth of additional information of use to the analyst.


E. Considerations:


The process has a few peculiarities and a few cautions to observe. First, one must be aware that not every cognitron necessarily produces responses for every category, and in those that do, some categories are inevitably more heavily represented than others. In general, the rule is that if the list of words that the viewer produces under the particular category being processed does not flow smoothly, regularly, rapidly, and with obvious spontaneity, the end of accessible information has been reached. Therefore, if there is a pause after the last word recorded of more than a few seconds, the end of the cluster has probably been reached. On the other hand, if after the original prompting nothing comes forth spontaneously, there are probably no accessible emanations pertaining to the cognitron being processed in that category. For example, if the viewer just sits with pen on paper, with nothing to objectify after the viewer has written "religious," "topics" (or other category), and "emanations?" then topic-type information was probably not relevant to the formation of that cognitron. If such a situation should occur either at the beginning of a category or at the end of one more productive, the viewer should either on his own or with encouragement from the monitor declare an end to that particular category and move on to the next. Usually, the viewer is intuitively aware when more valid information remains to be retrieved and when the end of a cluster has been reached. To sit too long waiting for more information if none is readily available engages the analytic process and encourages the generation of AOL.


The viewer must also be aware that some responses might at one time or another appear in any one or more of the category columns. One example frequently given is "warm." Although one might consider this an attribute of some object-related word, as a concept of temperature "warm" could just as well show up in the Object column itself. "Electronic," on the other hand, is unlikely to be an object, but could easily fit into attribute, subject or topic columns.


F. Switches:


The "switch" is another issue that needs to be properly understood in conjunction with the Stage V process. Sometimes, the viewer will be busily recording a string of emanations under a particular category when suddenly emanations from another category intrude. For example:











dimly lit



Notice that a few "object" words come through at first, to be replaced spontaneously by words more appropriate to the "attribute" category. This is known as a "switch"--a point in a Stage V chain where a sudden switch is made from one category to another. There are several possible causes for this. The first is that the viewer has in a sense skipped down a level in detail, and proceeds to provide sub-elements of information for the last valid item in the category--in the above example the words quiet, long, etc., are attributes of "hall," instead of objects belonging to "religious."


A second possibility is that all emanations of a given category are exhausted without the viewer being conscious of the fact, and emanations from another category begin to intrude out of proper structure, as shown below:









Finally, it may be the case that no emanations of the proper type might manifest themselves, but only intruders from another category, Such a situation would indicate that no emanations of the sort that would be expected for the prompted category are present, and that such emanations were obviously not important in the formation of the cognitron being Stage-fived.


To deal with a switch, one must task the system (after analyzing what has happened) using an alternative category suggest by the trend in the data line. In other words, if attributes are produced by the switch, one should shift to the "attribute" category and re-prompt the word/cognitron under examination.


G. AOL and Stage V:


Objects and Attributes may be considered "objective elements," in that like Stage IIs, these responses are much less likely to spark AOLs. Topics and Subjects, on the other hand, are "subjective, informational elements," and require special attention to avoid AOL contamination.


AOL too may lend itself to being "stage-fived." It is axiomatic in this RV theory system that analytic overlay is generally valid, site-related information which the analytic centers of the brain have simply taken and "embroidered" with memory associations and suggestive imagery. This implies that accurate information can possibly be derived from an AOL through the Stage V process. For the purposes of Stage V, these kernels of valid site-information are called "prior emanations." The format for "stage-fiving" AOLs is as follows:


AOL mosque

prior emanations?




religious decorations






When prompting valid prior emanations from an AOL, it is important to indicate only "AOL," and not say or write "AOL Break" as the viewer has been conditioned to do in most other circumstances involving AOL, since the word "break" is intended both to disengage the viewer from the signal line and to inform the viewer's system that the material occasioning the "break" was not desirable.


The prior emanations that result from "stage-fiving" an AOL tend to be a mixture of the four Stave V categories, selected words of which could presumably further be "stage-fived."


Finally, when normal AOL is encountered in the course of a Stage V cluster, which it sometimes is, it should be declared according to the normal practice, and the category re-prompted. If deemed appropriate, such AOL could no doubt also be


I have already posted the links to the pages you are taking this from.


Further threads are not necessary.


:lock: :lock: :lock: :lock: :lock:



A. Concept:


Stage VI involves the three-dimensional modeling of the site. As such, it is in a sense the continuation of expression of the site's physical characteristics begun in Stage III. Stage VI modeling is a kinesthetic activity which appears to both quench the desire to produce AOL and act as a prompt to produce further information relating to the site--including not just the physical aspects being modeled, but other elements not directly associated with the modeling itself.


B. Functions of Modeling:


Stage VI, modeling, has two functions:


1. Kinesthetic interaction with the site by describing the site with 3-dimensional materials, which facilitates the assessment of relative temporal* and spatial dimensional elements of the site, and;


2. Kinesthetic interaction with the site which effectively lowers the liminal threshold of the viewer by narrowing the RVer's attention field to specific locales (time/space). (Kinesthetic activity is space/time activity, such as moving an object from point A to point B. Not only has the object moved in space, it has also taken time to make the move. Everything in the physical universe is because of kinesthetic activity.)


* NOTE: An example of relative temporal assessment would be describing a site as being contemporary and modern, with an old world ambience, which the people of today visit to understand the past.


C. RV Modality:


There are two types of kinesthetic activities in remote viewing--the detect mode and the decode mode. The detect mode includes those behaviors that act as progressively engineered stimuli to the RVer, which in Stage I involves writing the coordinate and in Stage III involves the rendering of a sketch, drawing, or tracker. In Stage VI this mode is represented by 3-dimensional model constructing. Decode kinesthetics, on the other hand, are objectifications which act as responses to the stimuli of the detect mode. Representing the decode mode are the Stage I ideogram, Stage II basics, Stage III dimensionals, the Stage IV matrix, and the Stage VI matrix, all of which are produced from the signal line. Stage V is neither detect nor decode as Stage V information comes from cognitrons formed subconsciously rather than from the signal line.


D. Discussion:


According to theory, as the viewer proceeds through the earlier Stages, his contact with the site is enhanced in quality and increased in extent. Stage VI involves the viewer in direct 3-dimensional modeling and assessment of the site and/or the relationship of Site "T" elements, one to another.


Stage VI may be engaged at several different junctures: after completion of Stage IV and/or Stage V. It can also be entered when Stage IV has stabilized, appropriate AI has been encountered and dealt with, and the viewer has become localized on a specific aspect of the site. Because Stage IV data is collected by "winking" around the site, thereby providing incongruent information, the stabilization/localization must occur prior to Stage VI. After the Stage IV "T" has been modeled, the session can proceed moving to Stage V or be continuing further with Stage VI.


E. Session Mechanics:


As soon as the decision is made to proceed into Stage VI the viewer places in front of him the modeling material (usually clay) that has been kept nearby since the start of the session. At the same time, he also takes a blank piece of paper and writes a Stage VI Matrix on it. As the viewer proceeds to manipulate the modeling material into the form(s), dimensions, and relationships that "feel" right to him, he maintains as his concentrated effort the perception of the site details that are freed to emerge into his consciousness by the kinesthetic experience of the modeling process. These site data are recorded in their appropriate columns on the matrix as the Stage VI portion of the session continues.


1. Matrix: The Stage VI Matrix is identical in form to the Stage IV Matrix:




However, it is labeled "Stage VI" for both record keeping purposes and because that matrix pertains to a specific locale in time/space and not the entire site.


2. Considerations: In practice, the viewer constructs the Stage VI Matrix, sets it aside, constructs a 3-dimensional model of Stage IV "T's," and records information perceived from the signal line. During the modeling process, the viewer must:


a) Focus his awareness on the signal line (not the model) and the information which will begin to slow as the model is constructed, and;


b) Objectify that information within the prepared Stage VI Matrix. The viewer must keep in mind that the model does not have to be a precise or accurate rendering. It is the objectified information resulting from the modeling that is IMPORTANT.


Has anyone noticed...

  1. [*]We're never all online as much as this when there's no troll

[*]We're getting better at the dealiness[/list=1]


Originally posted by Sayonara³

I have already posted the links to the pages you are taking this from.


Further threads are not necessary.


:lock: :lock: :lock: :lock: :lock:

Mine was so good you didn't see it.

get the same material from here, but you have to be a u.s. citizen:



Central Intelligence Agency

Information and Privacy Coordinator

Washington D.C., 20505



Other than that , this information is pretty declassified, atleast to most psychics that are in this field of studies. I'm sure you could find same stuff on internet easily



Thats what i posted at some point in part 2, obiously you haven't been following. Notice: im the only one who uses information buddy, hundreds of people do.



NICE TRY attempting in degrading me





padlock.gif[/img] padlock.gif[/img] padlock.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Adam

get the same material from here, but you have to be a u.s. citizen:

Central Intelligence Agency

Information and Privacy Coordinator

Washington D.C., 20505

Other than that , this information is pretty declassified, atleast to most psychics that are in this field of studies. I'm sure you could find same stuff on internet easily

Thats what i posted at some point in part 2, obiously you haven't been following. Notice: im the only one who uses information buddy, hundreds of people do.

NICE TRY attempting in degrading me

I already did find it, you flaming great retard from hell.


I posted the links in the other thread.



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