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Init weird how in life things can either go ‘up and down’, or good and bad, or in between good and bad, or extremely bad. It’s levels of things, like umm... text on a screen. It’s either there or it’s not. A percentage of it is either going or coming.


I have a good day, then I’ll have a bad day; these things come and go, but they literally do ‘come and go’. So let’s say we have:


Good day + Bad day = mediocre day. And


Bad day + Bad day = terribad day and


Good day + Good day = brilliant day.


But these descriptions are just levels in-between the two originals. So even really when you say you had a mediocre day, you mean that it wasn’t bad nor good. And if you say you had a brilliant day, you say that it was just good. You’d say ‘Today was brilliant!’ but what you really mean, simply, is that it was good. Then a bad day, it was hideous, but simply, bad.


Now, when time began, the process would of been, ‘something + something’. Here’s the weird part, a circle, is the only shape with 1 side. A square had 4 sides. We see time as a spinning disc or planet, if you had to put a reference to it, it’s impossible though.


Now take the square and check how many sides it has, 4.

You can fit a circle perfectly into a square.


We live in a 3D world, 3 dimensions. So take the square as a cube


A cube has. 6 sides, and a sphere can fit perfectly into it.

Now take the sphere. Imagine it as TIME: forward, left, right (can’t go back in time)


now take the square, which is 6 sided; imagine this as CHOICE, or LIFE, it can either be, real good, or real bad, or inbetween. 3D universe. Think of a box with a line going to each corner. In total there are 8 lines. If you put a line pointing to the sides, there would be 4.


Now section out, good and bad, to the left and right of the cube, imagine it as coloured dark and light. Then mediocre when it is top and bottom, or middle, which would be in the centre, kind of squashed evenly, but, mediocre is just a resorting back to the first equation, good + bad. So this section is just the 2 possibilities over lapping themselves


So 2 possibilities, take this as the circle, which is a sphere cause of the 3D universe. It’s 3D and it has 1 side. 1 Side is time, the extra dimension which is one side, is a wall, or block; we see it as matter. In life you’re either living or you’re not. Two rules of life.


Now take the square, 6 sides; things in life can be good, bad, or inbetween; now, take the 3Dimention universe we live in, it only has 3 dimentions, there, not there, a bit there; something, nothing, an amount of something.

but it also has choice, we make decision, which has an effect something making it good or bad. We can CHOOSE, to do something, good, bad, mediocre. Do the math there:


Good = G


Bad = B


A = Amount, 3rd Dimention


Mediocre = (aG x aB)


x + - %; have you ever looked at the math signs?

Plus = +

Times = x


Division sign = %. Dunno how to do the next one on a keyboard, it’s o|o but vertical.


And the minus sign = -


Draw them over lapping each other.


+ plus x you have it turning into a star like figure, pointing up down, 3 diagonals and left, right; over lapping the plus sign, but visible.


Then add the minus side, it is there but it over laps the plus in the middle.

Then the division sign, it is there but over laps the middle also.


If you look at the picture, you kind of see 2 circles dotted on 6 direction crossover;- one above and one below, on the original plus sign. (which also means it is dotted on the plus sign)


Then we have, the diagonal lines, which cross over the middle of the original plus sign at 1 precise point; making it look like it’s pointing in 6 corners.


The minus sign and part of the division sign is invisible across the original + sign, but they are there, we put them. This illustrates Choice, their either there in our eyes, or there not.


Turn that shape to a 3D one. The circle’S’, would turn into TWO spheres; and the square would become a cube, with 8 lines (WHICH ARENT VISIBLE, THEIR LINES, 1D), so, you have these 3 Visible dimensions of the square, and then you have the 8 invisible lines.


Understand 3D (3 Dimentions)


One of those symbols, was the plus sign. Which is there, but invisible, it was there, it was originally a + sign and it turned into a 3RD dimension object but as it was a 1D shape, so it isn’t visible... It’s 1 D; and it points up, down, left, right, forward and back


Then you have the times sign, which is there, but invisible, pointing to the corners on the cube. A further dimension was added, it now points in eight directions.


Then the division sign; which is two spheres, visible on the plus sign, and another line which is there, but wasn’t visible in the first place as it over lapped the plus sign, pointing in 4 directions, up down left right.


Then the minus sign; which is not visible, or visible in the first place, it’s across the middle of the plus sign, pointing in 4 directions; up down, left right.


So take what we have here


8 lines pointing to diagonals, crossing over in the middle. But invisible/

2 lines going up and down, from the plus sign.

4 lines pointing, left, right, up, down, but invisible. BUT 2 sets of 4 lines over lapping.

2 spheres, over lapping the + sign.


2 directions, front and back. These directions are formed by the plus, minus and diagonal sign; 3 different factors. The diagonal sign however has another value which is visible, the 2 spheres; where the minus sign has nothing visible and is just 4 lines.


We have the extra 2 spheres, but to counter it, we have 4 invisible lines, that are there, but not visible, but weren’t visible in the first place. 2 factors, they’re not there, but they were there – CHANCE.

Then the 8 diagonal lines. They cross the 6 lines in the middle a one precise spot, directly in the middle. Remember this.


They point diagonal, signifying – Direction or, Dimension or FLOW. However it crosses the diagonal sign which is 50% still here as spheres and 50% here but invisible as set of 4 lines, 2 of those lines that weren’t visible in the first place.


The minus sign that is 100% here as invisible lines, but wasn’t visible in the first place.


So the division sign is.

1. 50% visible and 50% invisible in the next dimension with the two spheres

2. 50% Invisible in the first place, but there.

3. Crosses the plus sign at 1 point

4. Points in 4 directions.


While the minus sign is.

1. 100% invisible but there

2. 100% invisible in the first place, but again there

3. Crossing the plus sign

4. Pointing in 4 directions.


Goto the plus sign, it points forwards and back, up, down, left and right. It has 5 things crossing it; that’s 11 effects in total; now go in depth. The times sign crosses the plus sign in the middle, in 1 spot, making it 12. You then have the line that wasn’t visible to begin with 13, or visible now, 14 and the other 2 lines that aren’t visible now or before, making 16.


So the plus sign.

1. It points in 6 directions. (6)

2. It is invisible 100% (7)

3. It is crossed over by t he times sign (8)

4. It is crossed over by the division sign (9)

5. It is crossed over by the division sign again (10)

6. It is crossed over by the division sign again (11)

7. It is crossed over by the minus sign (12)

8. The minus sign was 100% invisible to begin with (13)

9. The division sign was 50% invisible to begin with (14)

10. The division sign is still 50% invisible. (15)

11. The minus sign is still 100& invisible. (16)


The times sign.

1. Invisible 100%, it’s 1 dimention.

2. Points in 8 directions.

3. Used to point in 4.

4. Crosses the plus sign


Plus sign: 16 effects

Multiplication sign: 8 effects

Division sign: 4 effects

Minus sign: 4 effects


However, the minus sign has 2 different effects to the division sign; and vice versa. So these effects are opposites. You will see that in total there are 4 differences, the minus sign DIDNT have circles to begin with, and DOESNT have spheres now. The division sign DID have circles and DOES have spheres now.


OK the explanation: Take the spheres, they have 1 front, no back and 2 dimensions, the centre and the outside. For it to have an outside, it must have 6 directions, left, right, up, down, forward and back, if you connect the points at this stage, you will get a sphere shape; without those directions, it’s impossible to make a sphere. Those directions were made from the plus and multiplication sign to begin with. The reason these symbols make the cube, is that once they were in the 2D stage, it was 4 variables. That were 2D. A dimension was added making it 6 variables, 6 directions. The directions are static.


Taking it further down, there were 2 variables to begin (the plus sign and the times sign), making the directions, so it’s added 2 onto the original 4, front and back.


The original directions, up down left right, gain upon meeting the multiplication sign: Up, Between Up and Left, Between Up and Right, Between Up and

Down, and vice versa. Then: Left, Between Left and Right, Between Left and Down, Between Left and Up, and vice versa. 16 whole directions, from an original 4, which is adding 12.


The jump was 4x4. 4x4=16.


Then you are given the front and back. You then get the 3rd dimension. Here I’ll use algebra to explain:


Between up and down: UD, Between down and up – DU, - = between.


DU – D = Back, DU – U = Front, DU – L = Side, DU – R = Opposite Side, DU – LR = Top, DU – UD = Bottom

UD – D = Front, UD – U = Back, UD – L = Side, UD – R = Opposite Side, DU – LR = Top, DU – UD = Bottom

LR – U = Front, LR – D = Back, LR – R = Opposite Side, LR – L = Side, LR – UD = Top, LR – RL = Bottom

RL – U = Front, RL – D = Back, RL – R = Side, RL – L = Opposite Side, RL – UD = Top, RL – LR = Bottom.


Back to the original square, having 4 directions from the cross. The multiplication sign was added making it, 8 directions in total, 4+4. It then was made 3D, making the cross have 6 directions, and the multiplication sign to have 8 directions, but adding a new dimension gave the square a front and a back. Doing 16 x 4. Essentially cubing itself.


The human anatomy shows 2 sides, opposite, and a front + back, 4 things. Then we have a head and a penis; at top and bottom halfs of our body. In total we have 6 MAJOR sides in our anatomy, the same as a cube, the exact same anatomy as a cube infact; but when we look at a cube, no matter which way we look at it, it always has a front, a back, two sides and a top and a bottom. If we look at it from above, we don’t see the cube, however it is there, just invisible, we do see its 4 corners.


It’s impossible to see a cube as having 6 sides, as we always see the front side and the top or bottom side, but never the whole cube, it’s impossible.

We only see a certain percentage of this cube, we see 3 sides and 7 corners, we miss 3 sides and 1 corner. We see 50% of the sides, and 87.5% of the corners.


50% is invisible, however, 50% of the original 4 variables were always invisible. BUT THERE.


1 corner (12.5%), is invisible, it is there however. In the 2D stages, there were 4 directions from the multiplication sign, and 1 crossover point which was invisible, it was 1 dimentional, so essentially the 1 has became visible, we can now see it, in the form of matter or life itself. I look at myself, and I see me, I AM there; I can only see 50% of me at once, and 7 different locations, head, body, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, penis, which are sectioned, top, bottom, lower left, upper right, upper left, lower right, front and back. I CANT SEE THE FRONT AND BACK together, only the front. That's 7 of the 8 possible locations, 12.5%. I can never see the back, as when I am looking at it, It is the FRONT as I am facing it and one of its sides is FACING ME, therefore the BACK is always invisible, but is there. You can't see the past, you can only see whats coming, the future. There is no present, as time does not pause, it is progressing or commencing. When we live, we live in 50% conciousness; we see only 50% of a room we are in when we're standing in it.


If we stood inside a cubed room, directly in the centre, we can see 50%. If we were to turn to the right, we would still see 50%, just another 50%. We see 1 whole side, 2 50% sides, a 50% bottom and a 50% top. If you add the 50%'s together you'll get 2 whole 100%'s. This is 3 whole 100%s we see, from any angle. We're missing three wholes; however we had 50% of 4 different parts; Left side, Right side, Top and Bottom. And we can see 4 corners of the side in front of us. That's 8 variables from a 50% view of this square room.


The sides were 50% however, so simply there would be 6 variables and life itself as the 7th. The only thing we cannot see from this point is our BACK, the eighth variable that is missing, the one that has been missing all along.


So our vision is 2D. Something only becomes 3Dimensional if we move to a different angle. We see, just as we saw in the first stages, a front and 4 directions; however in behind us, the 50% we don't see. We 6 variables, which is 2 missing from the original 8. The seventh and eighth variable were always missing; (the two lines from division and minus). The circles were there and the essence of the minus sign, but the weren't visible.


in total, we began with 4 variables;- + - x %; each but the minus sign held two opposites.

plus had (left - right and up and down)

times had (top right - bottom left and top left - bottom right)

division had (top circle - bottom circle and left and right)

minus had (left and right)


there is 3x (left - right), from 3 variables. Plus, Minus, Divide.

There are 2 dimensions.


When there are 3 dimensions. WHICH are literally 6 when combined with the 7th element which is us.


We can twist the 3 dimensions we see, to see the further 3 dimensions something had. If we look at the planet from something that is the same scale, we would see 50% of it. If we move ourselves, or TWIST the planet, we see the other 50%.


However we can always see the 8 variables, top, top right, top left, bottom left, bottom right, bottom, left, right; through the ninth variable which is US, which is only 50%, as we can only see and live in 3 dimensions. The and the eighth variable which we don't see is not us or our BACK. We don't see the final variable of the planet, it's back. OR 8 of the possible variables, top, top left, bottom, etc. So we are missing 1 of the total 8 variables and 8 of the total 16; HOWEVER THEY ARE THERE, but were never visible or living in the first place.


A cube has a front, and two sides from anything's point of view. Only when that thing moves, or the square itself moves, does the other half come clear. We can distinguish it is a square from one direction, but not see it as a full 6 sided object with 8 corners. We see 3 sides and 7 corners. missing 50% (it's opposite) and 1 corner, funny enough, from whatever angle, that corner we miss, will be behind the centre of the square. If you add the 8 diagonal lines and the 6 lines facing in opposite directions, you'll notice that the corner we cant see is eclipsed by the cross-over point; unless you look at it in a 2D view, that corner will always be crossed by 1 of the 16 lines in total. Draw a picture of a cube, with 8 lines sprouting from the centre to the corners, 6 lines from the center to all of the 6 sides, and 2 spheres, one a few spaces above the centre and 1 below.


EDIT: I'm wrong about the centre crossing over the invisible corner from whatever angle, it only crosses over when are looking from the outside at 3 100% sides, rather than a side and percentages of 2 sides (totalling to 100% when combined). So at 1 specific angle the centre crosses the invisible line. At every angle a line crosses the invisible corner.


If we look at it from the outside seeing 3 100% sides, we see 8 lines - as the lines overlap each other perfectly. The front facing line over laps the bottom left and the bottom back left. While the back facing line overlaps the top right and top back right. 6 of the lines are invisible due to over lapping each other. That's 8 of 14 lines visible and the circles, which we only see 50% of and the cross over point, which is the centre. 16 different variables in effect STILL.


Imagine just the centre, the cross over point. From the beginning stages, it had 4 choices, up, down, left and right. The KEY is that it had FOUR CHOICES (PLUS).

For example, I'm now the centre; I can go right, or I can go up, left or down; I can either DO or DON'T - So with these 4 choices, I can make a single choice, which is DO or DONT; which is TWO CHOICES (DIVISION). This choice can be GOOD or BAD; which is TWO CHOICES (SUBTRACTION). We now have 4 choices, and 4 inner choices; Which is EIGHT CHOICES (MULTIPLICATION).


The GOOD or BAD is unknown; we are told what good or bad is; we are not born with the ability to know. (minus sign was always unknown)

The DO or DON'T is given to us; we are able to choose to do something or not. (two choices. 50/50)

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Trying to simplify it.


We SEE only 50% or ONE HALF of something at a time.

Being able to SEE or SENSE it is one of the missing 2 variables.

It being here to be looked or sensed at, is the other

we can only see 50% - FROM A 50% view.

That means at all times, 2 50%'s are missing, but are there.

We can't however interact with these 50%, without changing the situation; we can do it blind eyed, that's because it's there.

We make the CHOICE to believe it's there or not.


I know behind me right now is a (padded) wall.

However unless I CHOOSE to turn around and look at it I cannot be 100% sure.

I can feel the wall, by doing so I am making a choice.

To smell, taste or hear the wall. I would have to choose to.

No matter what I do, I'm seeing 50% and unknowingly believing the other 50% is there.

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fold a piece of paper twice, length ways. So you have a crease that looks like a cross if you unfold it. Then fold it once more, into a triangle shape; we have 50% of the square shape, in the form of a triangle. The open it up, and examine the crease which is going in 8 directions, and symmetrical. If we fold it again it becomes another TRIANGLE, but creating a perfect square crease when unfolded, and four separate triangles. The lines remain unchanged, still 8 pointing in the same direction. Now fold it once more..... Unfold and examine the crease; and then fold it once more again....

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The piece of paper I'm looking at contains:

-The original square and 2 new squares formed inside the original

(The 2 new squares both have, 4 squares within them)

-The outsides show 4 triangles.

(Each of the triangles contain 1 square and 2 50$% halves. So in total, 2 squares)

-16 small squares in total.

-The 8 original lines.



By folding it 4 times we gain 1 new square, (with 4 within it) and the EQUIVALENT of another shown in the form of triangles. That's 6 in total.


By folding it one more time, we gain another new square within the one we made on the 4th fold. This 1, like the one before, has 4 smaller squares within it. The square we made on the 4th fold also has the EQUIVALENT OF 4 squares, of the same size as the small ones in the new squares. Each of the four triangles on the outside have the EQUIVALENT of 2 of the smaller squares.


This is weird.

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So we have 3 large squares,

and the equivalent to 16 small squares. 8 of which are made from 16 halves.

50% is invisible as a SQUARE, but 50% of the SQUARE is visible. Place two of the triangle halves together and you'll have a SQUARE.




4 folds = 1 new square, the original square, 4 smaller squares within the new square, the equivalent to 4 squares within the original)


We folded it 4 times which made the original 1 square into 2. And sectioned 4 smaller squares within each.


1 became 2, and 2 became 8.


upon folding a 5th time; 2 became 3, and 8 became 16.

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life began with 2 sets opposites. up and down, left and right

Edited by Clipper
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I swear, I actually read it up until.

You can fit a circle perfectly into a square.
Not even kidding. I read the words that where there up to that point. That's some bad ass stoicism that is.

Yes and what's wrong about that statement?

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What came first, the circle or the square?

You can fit a square inside a circle right? but how was the circle created without the backbone of the square? The 4 directions, up, down, left, right.

The circle has four points at equal distance from each other. Put a cross through the middle of a circle.


It's no worse than what precedes it, I just found it kind of amusing - then gave up on trying to salvage any semblance of sense.


(I'm actually too tired to be doing this right now, hopefully this'll be gone by the time I log in next. But have it be known that I just used 'semblance' in a sentence at 1.37am BO YAH).


Answer my question. What came 1st, the circle or the square?

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The chicken, or the egg?


How could an egg expand into a chicken, without having the back bone, the original process to become a chicken.

Answer my question.













Someone please close this thread so I can go to bed

What came 1st, the circle or the square?
Shapes have neither duration nor chronology.
The chicken, or the egg?
The question is poorly defined: since they're the same thing in a different state (an egg is essentially a baby chicken)

The chicken came 1st, as did the square.


[] The square has 4 sides. UP DOWN RIGHT LEFT = 4 VARIABLES.

A circle can fit perfectly into it.

A square can fit perfectly into a circle, but the action of fitting into an object that is the reason for it's existence, is wrong and wouldn't be expansive, it would be the opposite. Time is progressing, not digressing.


If the circle came first, it would have 1 variable, 1 side.

No 4 variable 'thing' could be made from a 1 variable object.

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Put a line down a 2D diagram of a human body, vertically. It would split it into two opposite halves.


Then make this diagram 3D.

The line then has a front and a back, becoming a cross.

The chicken came 1st, as did the square.
And from whence did the chicken emerge? What of the squircle?


The square has 4 sides. UP DOWN RIGHT LEFT = 4 VARIABLES.
Are you sure you're counting that right?


A circle can fit perfectly into it.
And how might a geometer construct such an inscription?


A square can fit perfectly into a circle, but the action of fitting into an object that is the reason for it's existence, is wrong and wouldn't be expansive, it would be the opposite.


Time is progressing, not digressing.
I know some tachyons that may disagree.


If the circle came first, it would have 1 variable, 1 side.
Circles have one side now?


No 4 variable 'thing' could be made from a 1 variable object.
So you're saying that there are no functions mapping R|->R4 at all? Have you considered telling the AMS about this?
Posted (edited)

the top 2 quarters are symmetrical

the bottom 2 quarters are symmetrical

the top right and bottom right corners are 50% symmetrical, 1 arm 1 hand five fingers, 1 leg 1 foot 5 toes.

same for the left quarters.

my head, shows me which side of me is the TOP.

my penis, signals the BOTTOM.

Our organs are the CENTER.

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And from whence did the chicken emerge? What of the squircle?


Are you sure you're counting that right?


And how might a geometer construct such an inscription?




I know some tachyons that may disagree.


Circles have one side now?


So you're saying that there are no functions mapping R|->R4 at all? Have you considered telling the AMS about this?


Sorry I missed the 1st part.

Take a 2D diagram of a human body, put a cross from the centre of the body.

The top 2 quarters are symmetrical, the bottom 2 are allso.

The top right and bottom right are 50% symmetrical.

Same as the left.


Then make the diagram 3D, adding a front and a back.



the top 2 quarters are symmetrical

the bottom 2 quarters are symmetrical

the top right and bottom right corners are 50% symmetrical, 1 arm 1 hand five fingers, 1 leg 1 foot 5 toes.

same for the left quarters.

my head, shows me which side of me is the TOP.

my penis, signals the BOTTOM.

Our organs are the CENTER.


Draw a circle. It is created with 1 line, joining itself.

Draw a square. It made from 4 lines, one at the top (up), one at the bottom (down), one at each of the sides (left and right)

Try making a square without the 4 directions, it's impossible.

Try making a circle without the 4 directions, it's impossible.

Edited by Clipper
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How many directions does this squircle expand unto?


It bends 4 times. One in the top right corner, bottom right, bottom left and top left.


How many directions does this squircle expand unto?


It bends 4 times.
It needn't bend at all.
One in the top right corner, bottom right, bottom left and top left.
Not if you rotate it quarter of a radian.

it doesn't expand on to two. It has two halves, but also 4 quarters. It has 6 sixths, this sixths cant be made symmetrical using six sections. Same with seven. You can however split it up into 8 sections symmetrically.


You say to me if ' I ROTATE IT ' a quarter of a radian, the directions would change. WRONG, it still has a top, bottom, left and right. Just in different positions. What '2' directions do you believe the squircle is expanding unto?

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as I said before, draw a cross within this 'Squircle' then rotate it. Tell me the position of the points of the cross.


I think the other people in the library are actually getting annoyed by my stifled laughter so I really am going to go home and to bed now.




Squares are two dimensional, they expand over any two orthogonal axes.


Orientation is arbitrary.


Now it's a long walk home and I need a cigarette, so goodnight.


Draw a square. Inside of it, draw 8 lines. So whenever one of the lines is straight, there are two symmetrical halves. it's now impossible to add any more lines and keep the symmetrical finish. Now fold a piece of paper using the instructions I showed you.

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the 3rd fold, you'll gain the 8 sections, SYMMETRICAL

the 4th fold, you'll get the 16 sections, SYMMETRICAL


the only way to expand using the rules of opposites we have in existence, is cubing.

By folding the paper 4 times, symmetrically, from top to bottom. We get another SYMMETRICAL stage, impossible to make with a one variable thing.


we have man and women

we don't have manem. We can have a man that likes men or woman who like women, but it's still man and women.

ee have left and right.

up and down.

light and dark.


man and women can THINK, man and women can BREED

without the opposite we wouldn't exist.

without left, right wouldn't exist.

without left and right - up and down wouldn't exist.

take away one of the 4 directions, and the other 3 don't exist.

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a man EVOLVES from son or daughter who precedes them. NOT one damn human adult has ever been created - for ONLY babies are CREATED - and every adult has within them the LIFE! given by children who DIE (change to adult, therefore the child is GONE) to give-up their lives to their parent image - so their mom or Dad can live.


All creation occurs between and as OPPOSITES; you, the earth, the universe and everything living in it.


Life Is Composed of Cubed Opposites



A child is to become a MOM or DAD,

the child dies to let his DAD live

or her MOM live.


When Baby exits, a mother is born. The Baby

by creation of Mom and Dad - and the Mother

by evolution. As 1st Day for both, they are the

same age, and begin their lifetime together. A

fetus within is not a human and of no concern

to outsiders, unless it will be imperfect burden,

then left unfed to save it from lifetime of hurt.

Even animal world adheres to this merciful act.


ONE is actually below the lowest form of life -

for ONE cancels unified mirrored opposites.


If GOD was a single man. He would be a queer god. unable to give birth to a baby or feed it. A power than only a mother possesses.


Love for God = Hate for Child. For we EVOLVE from child.


Life is Opposite, Death ONE.

Earth is not an ONE because

Earth has Opposite Halves,

Existing Only As Opposites,

equating nothing as Entity.

Humans are of Opposites,

One God equals Dead God.

ONE Cancels all Opposites.

Think Opposite, Think Life.

Think ONE, Think Death -

NO Heart beat, NO breath,

No Frontside, No Backside.

ONE or God cannot Exist

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The Word EARTH indicates

One, Entity or Singularity,

but Earth is not an Entity,

for the Half of Earth seen

from Space cannot exist

without the Opposite Half

NOT SEEN - existing only

as opposites with a plus &

minus zero existence.

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Educators have destroyed the

human analytical brain to a

single perspective, in spite of

all creation within Universe

being based upon opposites


Some quotes from Gene Ray. Who's theory is great, and true.

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