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I am outraged!


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I am going to write a letter to the mayor of Newport and hand it to them personally.


I state that Newport, South Wales is nothing but a hive of filth and villainy. Moreover, it is a city in which a sovereign born subject of Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II is subject to ridicule and threatened violence upon by foreign nationals.


This is the city that is hosting the Ryder cup!


I feel so enraged by my recent experiences of my "home town" that I want my birth certificate amended. I want to denounce any implication of association with the city of Newport.

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If you recall, I did ask on here if it were common to be attacked in your home town. Out last night something similar happened, not serious as I just walked away. Maybe be it is just a few idiots out there, but these things spoil my perceptions of the town I was born and raised in. Some of the idiots who course trouble are foreign, as was the case last night, but more are simply "locals". Being challenged by anyone is not nice, but somehow when they are welcomed guests it feels very bad. I don't want to appear xenophobic or racist here. This is not the case.


Anyway, maybe I should write to the mayor, my local MP. However, I expect they know all I could tell them. My home town is not a nice place to be at times.


I just hope that any golfers at the Ryder cup just stay on the golf course, for their own safety!

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I am also seriously outraged reading your comments. It is a disgraceful thing to be attacked in a unilateral manner and in an uninvited way. I share your disgust at the thugs who did that to you. However, if there is any small consolation to be had, the thugs remain mired in the gutter and they will never be able to move on with their lives, and remain in an emotionally confusing and emotionally-dominated bubble for the rest of their lives; never to appreciate culture, education or true love. You, my friend, have found all three and have the highest education available. You are able to open your mind to the secrets of the Universe, which they can never approach. You are the lucky one!

Edited by jimmydasaint
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AJB: Maybe you emanate some body language as you go about your business that makes you an attractive target for antisocial behaviour. Our local environment is the way it is and we must adapt if we are to have any hope of being in harmony with it.


Speak in the language of the listener. I am happy to to talk to anyone and adapt my language and demeanour accordingly....When in Rome..... ;)


We are all initially dealt a certain hand of cards in life and to see someone walking through the street that appears to have been dealt 'a better hand' and is aloof with it can make others not so fortunate want to direct their despair and envy at you in an aggressive manner.


If you dress in a certain way and carry yourself in an aloof and lofty manner in a deprived area you will almost certainly invite this sort of attention on a regular basis.


You have a brain that's in the top few percent..be sure not to wear it like a status symbol out in the street...be humble and grateful that you are chanced to have it. Use it to understand Life and.People as well as Science and then you should be more at peace with it all.

Edited by StringJunky
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You're right about one thing StringJunky. When the playing field is finally dug below basement level, even the laziest and craziest will be happy to play the game. 'Course, you don't dare win even then because someone is still gonna get pi--ed off at ya!.


By the way, if you really have "that" special rapport to go where brave policemen dare to tread, come up to Cleveland, Ohio and give us a hand. There are a few streets we'd appreciate your help with.


Just remember one thing though, a mass majority of the uneducated "are not" idiots, thieves or thugs. But be assured of a simple truth, all thieves, thugs and unsavory crazies are, regardless of intellect; "IDIOTS".

Edited by rigney
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Yes, it's absolutely unjustified and criminal for these things to be happening to you. As I think I said in one of my replies to you in another thread, if it starts getting that bad (each week at least), move out. Also, keep in mind, people do not typically kill one another without good cause or reason. Few thugs are stupid enough to kill someone just for looking at them wrong.


So, I'm guessing it's down to about once a month? That's not so bad if the local areas and surrounding areas are just as criminal. You have to think about averages and deviancy, etc.. etc.. You know the math. You also have to consider if your life is truly, truly in danger. Maybe work on lining up a job in some other place?


In Chicago and Detroit, anyone's life could be in danger. Sad fact, but stray bullets in bad parts of town often hit unsuspecting victims, and those people get killed. I've seen what parts of town those are, and they are pretty run down parts of town. The city has found a nice way to divide itself from them. Rent is cheap, though. But I've got pretty low rent where I am right now.


Off base, but maybe there is a conspiracy against you? Did you happen to seriously anger someone powerful and/or hoped-to-be powerful in the past? Or else you could just be a target for the thugs around there, and they've found a way to recognize you. Getting grouped into that class is not good.


See if they are any groups with similar concerns as you. Join them. I'm sure a Ph.D holder would be a valuable asset to such a group. And they might have some ideas for you as to how to counter these people are find out how to distance yourself from them.


The difference between thieves and thugs is that thieves tend to hang out around areas where they are at least middle-class people and money. Upper-middle class people might not be carrying a wallet on them... or perhaps have no money in their wallet. You might suspect a middle-class person to have some money in the wallet. Weird logic thieves use, but yeah, that's the idea.


Maybe you're on someone's trafficking turf. If that's the case, they would more than likely indeed act aggressive toward you. But if you are ignorant and innocent to that area being such, then you really shouldn't have too many problems besides a few aggressive actions.


It could also be the time of day that you're out. I've found that in Chicago, crime pops up during certain times of the day. If you want to avoid it, you often travel with other people, meeting certain similar transfer destination, finding transfer points where other groups of people are, and moving about life that way. Sure, you might not be affiliated with those people, but it's kind of like driving on a road with cops who are trying to catch speeders. They pick one out of the group who is speeding and leave the others alone. In other words, it would reduce your probability of being a victim.


I'm thinking for the most part that your life is not in danger.


Or you could trivialize it all and think there is a giant Fight Club where you live.


And the unfortunate case, jimmydasaint, is that sometimes people who are the thugs have low socioeconomics status and get free education. Giving the devil a free ride, as I see it.

Edited by Genecks
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It's sad but sometimes you have to at lest project the image that you are willing to dive to the same level as your attackers, I've found this is usually enough, if not then you have to be willing to Run, fight or simply stay away from the area where this type of thing happens, i feel for you, not feeling safe in your own home town sucks for sure.


There are places where I live I would not go willingly but fortunately those areas are few and far between. The good thing is that most of these people are all bluff and no action but it's difficult to know which is which.

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I was looking at some statistics for domestic attacks in Newport. Would you say it's just very common for about anyone to get attacked? If that's the case, maybe that's why some people are acting aggressive in the first place: They're afraid of getting attacked, so they act tough and attempt to intimidate others. If that's the case, I'd be sure to not act aggressive back (or even in the first place), because it'd only work to confirm the other person's biases. Seems like a bunch of lose-lose situations. If you've already tried, I suggest you try harder at finding ways to distance yourself from such persons.

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