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What colleges and universities are great for science education majors?


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I'm a junior now, but i know for sure that i want to be a high school biology teacher. i want to go to a school that is awesome in education, but specifically has science education. I live on long island, NY. i would like to go somewhere in the north east, preferably in NY, but thats not a must. I know Adelphi University is great for teaching, but its a little too close to home. Also, i love music, and thinking about minoring in music, or if science education doesn't work out, switching to music education.

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well, you are unlikely to find anywhere thats great in anything as broad as 'science in general'. you should look to refine your interests in science to a specific field such as physics, chemistry or biology.


and even from there you'll want to refine your interests a bit more, but 3 choices is enough for now as you have plenty of time (if my rudimentary knowledge of where juniour lies in the US education system (it's something like 13-14yo right?)).


once you have a good idea of what fields you like then you can look for universities that have some form of specialisation in that field.

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and even from there you'll want to refine your interests a bit more, but 3 choices is enough for now as you have plenty of time (if my rudimentary knowledge of where juniour lies in the US education system (it's something like 13-14yo right?)).


Not quite a junior is generally 16-17 years only. They are two years from finishing high school, and entering college. Some one who is 13-14 would more than likely be a 7th or an 8th grader.


Here is a brief rundown of the education system in the US. Of course there are differences in a lot of places how the grades are divided, (Middle School may be 7th and 8th), but the ages and progression remains about the same everywhere.



High School

-Senior (12th grade 17-18 years old)

-Junior (11th grade 16-17 years old)

-Sophomore (10th grade 15-16 years old)

-Freshman (9th grade 14-15 years old_

Middle School

-8th Grade (13-14)

-7th Grade (12-13)

-6th Grade(11-12)


Elementary School

-5th Grade (10-11)

-4th Grade (9-10)

-3rd Grade (8-9)

-2nd Grade (7-8)

-1st Grade (6-7)


Kindergarten (5-6)

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to be honest, thats closer than i expected to be. like i said, i only have a rudimentary knowledge of the US education system. i'm unlikely to remember that list either but still, cheers.


and still plenty of time to decide which area of science you like best. back when i was that age i didn't want to go into science at all(okay, i liked chemistry as a hobby) i wanted to join the RAF and fly planes.

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