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The script kiddy mode applies only if you won't spend time to learn how the tools you download acctualy do their job. :)


If that's the way you want to go you should remember that any "abnormal" activity intentionaly directed from and/or towards a machine you do not own, or have not been granted a permission if you do not, is illegal. In some cases it might cause you problems to simply use a network (the internet, or at least a part of it that belongs to an ISP, etc...), even though you have the appropiate rights for both machines. That is why I strongly suggest you build your own network to experiment on.


Having said that, make a search for a trojan server and client...install the trojan server on the target machine and the client on your own...tunnel the connection trough a firewall(if any) and that's about it. (the short, undescriptive version you could learn anywhere on the internet). A word of warning regarding trojan clients, their makers usualy include a small server into them so that they may connect to them the same way you connect to the server on the target machine. But that shouldn't make a difference if you isolate the sandbox network from the rest of the internet.

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