gentleman-farmer Posted July 17, 2010 Posted July 17, 2010 4500 years ago builders in ancient Egypt structured the foundation of the pyramids of Saqqara with blocks that had thereon a strange hieroglyphic writing. The writing was known to them at the time - but was subsequently lost, and remained so until 1799 when one of Napoleon Bonaparte's legionaries discovered a basalt tablet (now known as the Rosetta Stone) from which Jean Francois Champollion deciphered the ancient text c1821 -22. It followed that the late Dr. R. O. Faulkner (then of the British Museum, London) translated the hieroglyphic writing and published it in English under the title, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts. It is therein that the cosmology and the gods of ancient Egypt are introduced and the iconic emblem of the Eye of Horus is revealed - and like Zeus, Jove, Osiris the King - was a direct reference to Jupiter From the Pyramid Texts (§ 1806) O Osiris the King, the gods have knit together your face for you and Horus has given you his Eye, that you may see with it. Too much of the ancient civilizations has been lost for us to know how they saw Jupiter in such detail - but that they did is now a matter of record
Klaynos Posted July 17, 2010 Posted July 17, 2010 Of all the passages of text, all the images and all the possible interpretations of them it is unlikely that there would not be many coincidences where this kind of thing could be found. I therefore believe that they did not observe Jupiter closely.
mooeypoo Posted July 17, 2010 Posted July 17, 2010 Yeah, You can see Jupiter today without much trouble if you just try. Considering the fact that there was much less light pollution back in those days and that people were still fascinated by the stars (and FOLLOWED them), it's really not all that surprising they saw planets. You can see Jupiter without using a telescope. And Venus too. And Mars. It's not that surprising. That said, I'm not sure I understand how you jump to the conclusion that Horus eye is Jupiter. They drew an eye - an Egyptian eye, with the eyeliner et all. Incidentally, there's another natural phenomenon that looks like an Eye.. those things happen often, you know - random patterns that seem like common objects. Specifically when the pattern of an eye is not very complicated. I've seen the very familiar pattern of an eye in tree trunks, too. Does that mean the ancient Egyptians adored redwoods before they saw any? ~moo
gentleman-farmer Posted July 17, 2010 Author Posted July 17, 2010 mooeypoo Quote it's really not all that surprising they saw planets. You can see Jupiter without using a telescope. And Venus too. And Mars. It's not that surprising That said, I'm not sure I understand how you jump to the conclusion that Horus eye is Jupiter. gf) It's not the Eye of Horus that is the Egyptian Jupiter, it's Osiris the King We can confirm the validity of the interpretation by the number of points of correlation - by example the likeness of the Eye of Horus icon to the Eye of Jupiter is unmistakable when you take into account the contours of the Eye and the knitted appearance of the storm bands on Jupiter to the related phrase (§ 1806) O Osiris the King, the gods have knit together your face for you and Horus has given you his Eye, that you may see with it. That Osiris the King was the ancient Egyptian reference to Jupiter falls in line with the Roman Jove and the Greek Zeus that we recognize as the King of the Gods, the ruler of Olympus and the patron of the Roman state. (§ 1806) is not the only passage of interest - the Ancients celebrated special events in festival form. There were three-day, sixth-day and ten-day festivals; and Festivals of Red Linen .. but only the Ten-Day Festival that we'll see in (§ 1067) is special because it was celebrated in commemoration of Jupiter and the Eye of Horus I'll quote article (§ 1067) in a bit gf
Cap'n Refsmmat Posted July 17, 2010 Posted July 17, 2010 The Great Red Spot (i.e. the Eye of Jupiter) has been changing in size and shape over the centuries. It's silly to assume it looked exactly the same 4500 years ago -- it's lost half of its longitudinal size in a century, for example. It probably didn't look like an Eye if the Egyptians managed to see it.
Moontanman Posted July 17, 2010 Posted July 17, 2010 (edited) I think it's an interesting association, no reason to think it's more than coincidence but if you have more evidence I'd be willing to entertain it a little more.... i can also see the possibility the ancient Egyptians might have had a small working telescope, glass lenses in a tube aren't exactly high technology but as i said I'd need more evidence to entertain this idea as much more than coincedence... Edited July 17, 2010 by Moontanman
gentleman-farmer Posted July 17, 2010 Author Posted July 17, 2010 (edited) (§ 1806) is not the only passage of interest - the Ancients celebrated special events in festival form. There were three-day, sixth-day and ten-day festivals; and Festivals of Red Linen .. but the Ten-Day Festival described in (§ 1067) was remarkable in that it celebrated the periodic return of the Eye of Jupiter in coordination with earth's rotational status I'll post that passage - when swansont returns this thread to the astronomy section. swansont is not qualified to judge what is speculation and what is not - particularly in view of the fact that quoted passages support the iconographics 4500 years ago Quote (§ 1806) O Osiris the King, the gods have knit together your face for you and Horus has given you his Eye, that you may see with it. gf Edited July 17, 2010 by gentleman-farmer -2
mooeypoo Posted July 18, 2010 Posted July 18, 2010 On 7/17/2010 at 10:07 PM, gentleman-farmer said: swansont is not qualified to judge what is speculation and what is not - particularly in view of the fact that quoted passages support the iconographics Yes he is, and judging from the fact that you're making a speculation and not a validated *MAINSTREAM* science, speculation is where this thread will stay. It's your choice if you want to keep discussing it. Challenging the moderation decision of staff will not help you. ~moo
JohnB Posted July 18, 2010 Posted July 18, 2010 (edited) gentleman-farmer. swansont is quite qualified to move a speculative thread to speculations. However, just to clarify the point since he is, after all only a physicist and can't be expected to know the details of 4,500 year old religious texts, and assuming he was in need of my support, which he isn't. Then speaking as one with a fair library of documentation from the period and the ability to translate heiroglyphics into English, I say you are speculating too. Unfortunately I don't have a copy of "The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts" by Faulkner handy, but this would be the 1910 edition would it not? If so, the translation may have changed since then. You quote a passage from Faulkner but not the context. (Bearing in mind that "Pyramid Texts" usually refers to the texts found in the pyramid of Unas, VIth dynasty) #1806 "O Osiris the King, the gods have knit together your face for you and Horus has given you his Eye, that you may see with it." You'll perhaps notice a similarity with the modern translation of Utterance 25, found on the North Wall of the Sarcophagus Chamber. "Osiris Unas, I give you the Eye of Horus, that your face may be adorned with it, that the perfume of the Eye of Horus may spread towards you." As Unas, in accordance with the beliefs of the times became Osiris after he had passed the tests of the Underworld he would be given the gifts and assume the form of Osiris. None of this is new and has been well documented in translations of "The Book of Coming forth By Day" by everybody from Budge onwards. Consequently your attribution of the Eye of Horus to Jupiter is most likely incorrect as the Eye was specifically given to Osiris when he assumed his place in the Duat, and it was also given to every pharoah that followed the ways of the Gods. If you would care to debate this further then please provide a more modern translation, or at least which Utterance or Spell the original comes from to allow for correct translation and context. It is also worthwhile to remember that in the original stories Osiris was cut into 14 parts by Typhoon (an agent of Set) with the parts spread over the land. It was Isis who gathered the parts and wrapped Osiris in linen to allow him to become whole again. In a very real sense the Gods did "knit together his face". That the Egyptians and other civilisations in the past were aware of the changing sky is not in dispute. The Pharonic calendar was based on the "Sothic" cycle as were some even earlier ones. The rising of Sirius after the 70 days in the Underworld was also of great importance as it heralded the flooding of the Nile. They noted the fixed stars and the ones that moved amoung them. Even the word "Planet" is derived from the ancient Greek word meaning "Wanderer". There is however zero evidence that the Pharonic Egyptians observed Jupiter in a manner that allowed them to see the Great Red Spot or that the spot has any connection with the legends of the Gods from Egyptian history. Edited July 18, 2010 by JohnB 5
swansont Posted July 18, 2010 Posted July 18, 2010 On 7/18/2010 at 12:19 PM, JohnB said: he is, after all only a physicist and can't be expected to know the details of 4,500 year old religious texts ! Moderator Note Quite right. And it is as a physicist that I recognize that what g-f posted, and the subsequent discussion including religious text and iconography, is most decidedly not astronomy. gentleman-farmer, you posted this in a science section. It was either a mistake or hubris or some third option; I don't really care which. It's not astronomy. You might petition to have this moved into religion. I (and others) can't help but notice that you did not choose to pursue that particular remedy. Pay attention to mooeypoo's comment.
jimmydasaint Posted July 18, 2010 Posted July 18, 2010 (edited) gentleman farmer. I think this Forum is privileged to have experts in their subjects such as John B. Could you kindly reply to his post, including, to my mind, the central point he made: Quote It is also worthwhile to remember that in the original stories Osiris was cut into 14 parts by Typhoon (an agent of Set) with the parts spread over the land. It was Isis who gathered the parts and wrapped Osiris in linen to allow him to become whole again. In a very real sense the Gods did "knit together his face". Link I think that all debate in the Forum can be conducted in a gentle and harmonious way, and would welcome your comments to John B's post. However, your honesty and candour would also be welcomed in the light of other opinions that have been put forward. Being a gentleman, I am sure you would wish to modify your own opinions when other facts are mentioned which counter them. After all, is it not the mark of an educated person that he/she can hold an opinion and then change them if when further facts come to the fore? Edited July 18, 2010 by jimmydasaint 1
Sisyphus Posted July 18, 2010 Posted July 18, 2010 Horus was a falcon-headed god. The Eye of Horus is a stylized depiction of a peregrine falcon's eye: That looks like a much better fit than the Great Red Spot, since it: 1) includes the teardrop marking 2) includes the long, curved tail 3) is an actual falcon By contrast, the Great Red Spot: 1) Lacks teardrop and tail 2) Looks no more like the Eye of Horus than, say, a knot in a tree trunk 3) Probably didn't even exist back then, and if it did could easily have looked very different - it's just a storm 4) Would have required knowledge (like optics) that there is no other evidence for whatsoever I don't think I can support this speculation.
insane_alien Posted July 18, 2010 Posted July 18, 2010 well, the egyptians certainly had lenses. but what they didn't have were good lenses. even if they did make the leap of holding two in line its doubtful that they would have been able to determine a spot on jupiter. perhaps be able to determine that it is not a point but rather a disk in appearance but no more than that. there would have been all sorts of spherical abberations, impurities andcloudiness going on. good enough to use as a magnifying glass for reading or examining things, but no good for telescopic purposes. this is the major reason telescopes didn't really get started until gallileo. lenses just weren't good enough until then.
Sisyphus Posted July 18, 2010 Posted July 18, 2010 On 7/18/2010 at 2:55 PM, insane_alien said: well, the egyptians certainly had lenses. but what they didn't have were good lenses. even if they did make the leap of holding two in line its doubtful that they would have been able to determine a spot on jupiter. perhaps be able to determine that it is not a point but rather a disk in appearance but no more than that. there would have been all sorts of spherical abberations, impurities andcloudiness going on. good enough to use as a magnifying glass for reading or examining things, but no good for telescopic purposes. this is the major reason telescopes didn't really get started until gallileo. lenses just weren't good enough until then. Also, "the Egyptians" were a culture that lasted thousands of years. Horus was first worshiped in the pre-dynastic period (pre-3100 BC). The earliest known lenses were from around 700 BC, two and a half millenniums later. (Thanks, Wikipedia!) And it wouldn't have just been a matter of lacking the technique to make good lenses, either. You don't need to understand the geometry involved to use a curved piece of glass to concentrate sunlight on a small area, but you really do to make any kind of useful telescope.
gentleman-farmer Posted July 19, 2010 Author Posted July 19, 2010 Sisyphus Quote Horus was a falcon-headed god. The Eye of Horus is a stylized depiction of a peregrine falcon's eye: gf) We can't speculate on the intent from the imagery alone - it's required (for proper solution) that we associate the proper phrases from text that defines the imagery We have to go to the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts for that. The Pyramid Texts are those 4000 lines of hieroglyphic inscriptions from the pyramids of Saqqara that were deciphered by means of the Rosetta Stone by Jean Francois Champollion c1821-22 One passage therefrom describes the 10 day festival it reads this way :: (§ 1067) Quote The Eye of Horus will come to you at the ten-day festival while you yearn after it In explanation .. Jupiter rotates once around every 10 hours, while the earth rotates once around every 24 hours. As each goes through their respective rotation .. it will take ten days for them to come back into synchronization and for Jupiter's Eye to appear again in exactly the same way .. and just as the ancient records say .. Quote The Eye of Horus will come to you while you yearn after it Earth's rotation changes with earthquake - and we don't know about Jupiter's - so today we could argue a synchronous point every five days - but that would violate the integrity of what had been written 4500 years ago on no more than a speculative venture gf
JohnB Posted July 19, 2010 Posted July 19, 2010 swansont, I hope you realise my comment was with tongue firmly in cheek. "Only a physicist" jimmy, thanks for the vote of confidence. g-f, I now see where these ideas are coming from. I'll leave it to our Astronomers to explain why Mr. Bowles is incorrect in his statement that Jupiter is a "Brown Dwarf" star. I did ask for better references, but as I can now see that you simply copy/paste from Mr. Bowles website I understand why you can't provide them. I will however state categorically that Mr. Bowles is wrong in saying that; Quote The Ancients believed that Jupiter, being what we call a Brown Dwarf, was the Matriarchal progenitor of the earth. Earth was fashioned, as their story goes, within the very depths of Jupiter, and was ejected into space through the stormy Eye and the mouth of the serpent .. as Horus of the Gods. This is certainly not part of the Egyptian creation mythology. To quote from here. Quote In the beginning there was only the swirling watery chaos, called Nu. Out of these chaotic waters rose Atum, the sun god of the city of Heliopolis. It is believed that he created himself, using his thoughts and will. In the watery chaos, Atum found no place on which to stand. In the place where he first appeared, he created a hill. This hill was said to be the spot on which the temple of Heliopolis was built. Other interpretations find that Atum was the hill. In this interpretation Atum may represent the fertile, life giving hills left behind by the receding waters of the Nile's annual flood. As early as the Fifth-Dynasty, we find Atum identified with the sun god Ra. By this time his emergence on the primeval hill can be interpreted as the coming of light into the darkness of Nu. As the god of the rising sun, his name is Khepri. Lots about water, the sun and a hill, but nothing about Jupiter. Now to the quoted texts. #1806. Firstly the part you are quoting is only part of the passage, that's why I asked for the full text as context is important. #1806 is actually part of Utterance 638 from "The Book of the Dead" and is from the Atlantean Wall in the pyramid of Pepys II. More recent and more complete translations put the passage as: Quote 1805a. To say: Osiris N., the gods have bound thy face to thee; 1805b. Horus has given his eye to thee, that thou mayest see [with it]. 1806a. Osiris N., Horus has opened thine eye for thee, that thou mayest see with it, 1806b. in its name of "She who opens the ways of god." When put into context with the next Utterance (Number 639) it's plain to see that the texts are about gaining the "Second Sight" as granted to the Pharoah by the Eye of Horus. Quote 1807a. Said is the solitary Word sah, O Activity of the Eye of Pepi II; be the living Eye of Second Sight, so that you will see in it. 1807b. (Said is the solitary Word sah), O Activity of the Eye of Pepi II, so that your Sight will open in the predestined opening. 1807c. (Said is the solitary Word sah), O Activity of the Eye of Pepi II, so that your Sight will be brightened in the brightening of the earth. 1808a. (Whenever said is the solitary Word sah), O Activity of the Eye of Pepi II, it is because there has been set in place for you the Eye of Second Sight when the god-Star sets itself in place. 1808b. (Said is the solitary Word sah), O Activity of the Eye of Pepi II, so that there will be placed for you the Eye of Second Sight near you, so that you will see in it. 1809a. (Whenever said is the solitary Word sah), O Activity of the Eye of Pepi II, it is because there has opened your Eye, so that you will see in it. 1809b. (Said is the solitary Word sah), O Activity of the Eye of Pepi II, [. . .] the anointing. If you are interested, a complete transliteration can be found here, along with notes about Faulkners original translation and which bits he left out. The actual translation is not what Faulkner thought, nor is what Faulkner wrote correctly quoted by Bowles. (You'll notice that Utterance 639 is Bowles reference number 8) The bottom line is that the texts refer to the supernatural powers granted to the Pharoah after his death. Along with "Second sight" he is given the power to both create and destroy Ka or souls as well as other God like attributes. #1067. You quote it as; Quote The Eye of Horus will come to you at the ten-day festival while you yearn after it Where do you get this garbage? (Never mind, I know.) Talk about a mish mash. The 10 day Festival was generally dedicated to Sokar, Lord of the Underworld and ended on 30 Choiak. Known as Ka-Her-Ka part of the festival was the raising of the Djed pillar in honour of Osiris on 26 Choiak. (Roughly the Winter Solstice) "Yea, verily. And the God Osiris was raised up from the Underworld and took his place in the Duat and peace and plenty was upon the land." It was a festival about abundance for crying out loud. Many ancient cultures had festivals at the Winter Solstice to celebrate the end of the cold time and return of warmth and planting and crops growing. Add to that, passage #1067 is better known as Utterance 497. It really is better to quote Utterances rather than just lines of text, it saves so much time checking. The Utterances around 497 and including 497 are to do with food. Eating in the afterlife. Here is what 497 actually says; Quote 1067a. [To say: O N., stand up], be seated, shake the earth (i.e. dust of the earth) from thee;1067b. remove the two arms from behind thee, as (those of) Set. 1067c. The eye of Horus will come to thee at the beginning of the decade, because thou art eager for it. 1067d. -------------------------------------------- (The fourth line is unfortunately lost to us.) Not exactly what you thought it said, is it? But let's look at 496, the Utterance said immediately before the one you quote; Quote 1065a. To say: Greetings to thee, O Food; greetings to thee, O Abundance;1065b. greetings to thee, O Corn; greetings to thee, O Flour. 1065c. Greetings to you, ye gods, who put the meal before Rē‘, 1065d. who --------- with Ḥw, who are at the Mḥ.t-wr.t; 1065e. I will eat of the morsel of Rē‘, sitting on the throne of splendour. 1066a. I am she of Tentyra; I am come from Tentyra; 1066b. Shu is behind N.; Tefnut is before him; 1066c. it is Wp-wȝ.wt, who serves as a protection (?) on the right of N. 1066d. They cause this field-of-food of Rē‘ to keep me alive so that I may eat, 1066e. after it is collected for me, as for him who rules over the Ennead, who lives at (or, on) Mḥ.t-wr.t. So it was about food and abundance, not Jupiter. I trust we have now put these ideas to rest? As a final note on Mr. Bowles knowledge and veracity. I notice in his "theory" he quotes; Quote "O Osiris the King, may your vision be cleared by means of the light .. and be brightened by the dawn8 {for} I am Horus who came forth from the Eye of Horus .. I am Horus of the Gods .. and I have lighted on the vertex of Re in the prow of his bark which is in the Abyss."9 He takes Utterance 639 from the Pyramid Texts and tacks Spell 66 from the Book of the Dead onto the end? Putting it forward as one continuous line? What sort of rot is that? BTW g-f, you wouldn't happen to know "Equestrian" over at Armageddon Online would you? He's been arguing the same thing recently using Bowles as a reference too. (And appealing to Velikovsky didn't help his case.) 3
Sisyphus Posted July 19, 2010 Posted July 19, 2010 On 7/19/2010 at 12:59 AM, gentleman-farmer said: Sisyphus gf) We can't speculate on the intent from the imagery alone Horus is a god who is depicted with a falcon's head, or sometimes just as a falcon. The Eye of Horus looks like a falcon's eye. Is that really speculation? What about the rest of what I said? Is there any reason you're associating it with the red spot in particular, other than resemblance (which it lacks, IMO)? Quote In explanation .. Jupiter rotates once around every 10 hours, while the earth rotates once around every 24 hours. As each goes through their respective rotation .. it will take ten days for them to come back into synchronization and for Jupiter's Eye to appear again in exactly the same way .. and just as the ancient records say .. The rotation is not exactly ten hours, but if it were, then it would take five days to synchronize again. 24*5=120. Quote Earth's rotation changes with earthquake By millionths of a second at most. Quote - and we don't know about Jupiter's - so today we could argue a synchronous point every five days - but that would violate the integrity of what had been written 4500 years ago on no more than a speculative venture I don't understand. You're saying that... 1) 4500 years ago Jupiter's rotation synchronized with Earth's every ten days, 2) that it doesn't today because of some unknown catastrophic events on one or both planets in the meantime, 3) all in order to fit in with a dubious translation of an ancient text, 4) that would require the Egyptians to have possessed technology there is no other "evidence" for, 5) to see a feature on Jupiter that probably wasn't there then, 6) to verify a completely different mythology than what we presently know they believed in. And for all that, it's a circular argument. You say the facts point to a certain conclusion, but then say the facts had to be because the conclusion requires them. And you're calling me speculative for saying a falcon's eye looks like a falcon's eye? Do you see why I might have a problem with all this?
gentleman-farmer Posted July 19, 2010 Author Posted July 19, 2010 JohnB Quote #1806 is actually part of Utterance 638 from "The Book of the Dead" gf) Not True you are quoting from the wrong book - The Book of the Dead is divided into paragraphs called Spells - there are no §'s or Utterance's in The Book of the Dead You are also in error by quoting the occult as your source - You did not obtain your quotes from the original source - Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts (your's is just mis-guided occult - and is in error). The passage (from the the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts) is as I stated it Utterance 497 Quote § 1067 O King, stand up and sit down, throw off the earth which is on you! Get rid of these two arms behind you, (namely) Seth! The Eye of Horus will come to you at the ten-day festival while you yearn after it And it makes no difference whether you quote articles ( § ) or Utterances. The Pyramid Texts are written in a metaphoric style, where subjects and speakers change within the same passage. And there is no sequence - so if you quote Utterances you could be quoting three different story lines. By example Horus doesn't come onto the scene until late (with Osiris and Isis) - yet you find him in the very beginning. Utterance 7 Quote Recitation by Nut the great who dwells in the Mansion of Snit: The King is my son of my desire; I have given to him the Netherworld that he may preside over it as Horus who presides over the Netherworld. All the gods say: Your father Shu knows that you love the King more than your mother Tefenet Another example - you have to be careful and quote only the Pyramid Texts - otherwise you come to think Isis is Horus's mother - but she isn't By the way - You'll read Biblical passages of the Baptism of Jesus in the very first passage of the Pyramid Texts - gf / -1
Klaynos Posted July 19, 2010 Posted July 19, 2010 Oh, selective evidence... and you don't think this should be in speculations? It's moving towards closed, did you read the links that JohnB provided?
gentleman-farmer Posted July 19, 2010 Author Posted July 19, 2010 Klaynos Quote Oh, selective evidence... and you don't think this should be in speculations? It's moving towards closed, did you read the links that JohnB provided? gf) Did you notice Klaynos that JohnB is quoting the Occult from the Internet and is confusing the Pyramid Texts with the Book of the Dead? I am quoting from a published book the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts by the late Dr. R. O. Faulkner (fellow of University College, University of London) formally with the British Museum. The version I am quoting was published by Oxford University Press. It takes years and years to understand the Pyramid Texts - You cannot become an expert by quoting the Internet and that JohnB's only resource was the Internet demonstrates that he had no previous knowledge - and that he resorted to personal attacks suggests that he is less than objective You can confirm Dr. R. O. Faulkner's qualifications - can you confirm JohnB's Internet qualifications?
Klaynos Posted July 19, 2010 Posted July 19, 2010 I suspect he provided internet references so that you could have easy access to them. Johnb does actually discuss Faulkner, to summaries, things change over time as we find out more.
gentleman-farmer Posted July 19, 2010 Author Posted July 19, 2010 (edited) Here is a very valid question - If JohnB ever read the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts (and was thereby qualified) - why is he quoting the Occult from the Internet? If you compare his quotes to those published in the Pyramid Texts - you'll find him in total error And anyone who quotes Utterances instead of articles §'s has no idea what they are doing. Utterances contain multiple story lines - and it's necessary that the story lines be recognized and separated. Let me give you an example - have JohnB tell you what the Morning Star is - and have JohnB tell you who Horus's mother is - the difference in what he might respond with and what is found in the Pyramid Texts might astound you It's the difference between science and the Occult BTW the Pyramid Texts contain many passages that eventually were included in the New Testament - it appears (given the difference between the Internet Occult version and the published version of the Pyramid Texts) that there might (I say might) be an effort to cover that up gf Edited July 19, 2010 by gentleman-farmer
Klaynos Posted July 19, 2010 Posted July 19, 2010 From what I understand the religious texts called the pyramid texts evolved into the book of the dead etc... over time... So if anything you would expect the later texts to contain more references to astronomy if there were any at all and it wasn't just a coincidence. Just a quick point from my last post, a translation in the 1950's by S. Mercer of utterance 497 refers to decades not the10 day festival.
gentleman-farmer Posted July 19, 2010 Author Posted July 19, 2010 Klaynos Quote From what I understand the religious texts called the pyramid texts evolved into the book of the dead etc... over time... So if anything you would expect the later texts to contain more references to astronomy if there were any at all and it wasn't just a coincidence. gf) Not true (not even close) the Pyramid Texts are those 4000 lines of hieroglyphic texts from the pyramids of Saqqara - being written on stone - they are the purest record that exists in the world The Book of the Dead is a collection of Egyptian funerary papyri now stored in the British Museum Klaynos Quote Just a quick point from my last post, a translation in the 1950's by S. Mercer of utterance 497 refers to decades not the10 day festival. gf) decades is a modern word and is nowhere found in the Pyramid Texts Have JohnB tell us who Horus's mother is, what the morning star is, and what passages from the Pyramid Texts found their way to the New Testament! Then you'll know! gf
Klaynos Posted July 19, 2010 Posted July 19, 2010 They are all modern words. How about the coffin texts, which is also written in stone, but from a later date, it is similar to both the book of the dead and the pyramid texts.
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