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Psychiatry or Terrorism

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It is true that psychiatry has no future and it is time to end it. There is NO benefit is psychiatry whatsoever.


The original poster has only touched on the issues here. I want you to listen very carefully here. Psychiatry is TERRORISM. They are linked with Al Qeada and are trying to take over the world with psychiatry. They will never succeed though because God will stop them. It is a clever and insidious plot and has been quite successful but will never work.


They use the money they make to fund terrorism and they all have terrorist training.


What isn't clear to some is that the psychiatrists and other mental health workers have the mental illnesses that they diagnose others with. These psychiatrists are seriously ill in a most dangerous way and need to be stopped. In no way should you or anyone else take psychiatric medication. It has serious side effects including making you look mentally ill (which they intend, to further their ends). They are in NO WAY interested in helping anyone. That is not their objective. As I said their objective is taking over the world and they are seriously trying to do it.


I do choose My words very carefully here and are speaking the 100% truth.


Another side effect of the medications that they give you is pedophillia, an unwholesome obsession with children. We can blame noone but psychiatry for this type of behaviour.


Psychiatry needs to be stopped. If any healing method is to work, it needs to look at the whole person and look at life as a complete whole, not look at things in minute details which is a testament to the psychiatrist's small minds. It is clear they lack any real insight into anything of any real meaning and are the real psychopaths.


Drugs are never the answer and that is all psychiatry offers, that and a quick chat. What can that possibly do? Only harm. Only God and guru can solve your problems and it is a mistake to look anywhere else. Peace.


I will add that you do not need ay training in psychiatry to be an expert in the subject, all you need is insight which the psychiatrist have nothing of.


This terrorism is world wide of course. The issue is not complicated it is clear and simple.


What I should add is that the psychiatrist diagnose as psychotic episodes are most certainly religious experiences and that is what the psychiatrists don't want - religious people. They have a very specific plot against religious people and want to stop them at all costs because they know they are going to be the ones the that stop them.


Religion and psychiatry are at polar opposites and psychiatry is NOT a science, it is quackery. Psychology is not even a science it is "an uninspired generalisation" and psychiatry is worse, it is down right dangerous. Nothing less that the whole Truth will do and to think that psychiatry or any other mainstream alternative has the answers then you are deluded. Peace.

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So, let me get this clear:


A schizophrenic episode which results in a mother drowning her children in a bathtub because "the voices told me" is actually a "religious experience."


Okay then.


What's your view on cognitive behavior therapy -- i.e. the experimentally validated non-drug part of psychiatry?


Also, Poe's Law.

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"I do choose My words very carefully here and are speaking the 100% truth."



"Drugs are never the answer "

Except that, in reality, they have actually been shown to work, which is one up on religion.


"I will add that you do not need ay training in psychiatry to be an expert in the subject, all you need is insight which the psychiatrist have nothing of."

Even more LOL

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I want you to listen very carefully here. Psychiatry is TERRORISM. They are linked with Al Qeada and are trying to take over the world with psychiatry. They will never succeed though because God will stop them. It is a clever and insidious plot and has been quite successful but will never work.
What I should add is that the psychiatrist diagnose as psychotic episodes are most certainly religious experiences and that is what the psychiatrists don't want - religious people. They have a very specific plot against religious people and want to stop them at all costs because they know they are going to be the ones the that stop them.
You realize Al Qeada are a militant religious group right?
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You have car problems. You get to the pharmacist late. It's closed. You ran out two days ago. The walls start closing in. The neighbours are looking at you even more intently than usual - you know that because they are hiding, nowhere to be seen. What are you going to do?

Obvious! Join a forum.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It seems that most if not ALL of you who responded to this post are psychotic.


Religion actually works and drugs DO NOT.


Most of society are psychotic. What are you going to do about that?


Some of the worst psychopaths in society work for the PD and psychiatry. THEY ARE COMPLETELY PSYCHOTIC!!! They should get personality tests at the very least - see what makes them tick.





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"It seems that most if not ALL of you who responded to this post are psychotic."

It only seems that way to you.

What does that tell you?


Does this tell you the same thing?

"Most of society are psychotic. "


It's a long time ago but I studied pharmacology as well as chemistry. One of the subjects we covered was psychopharmacology- the use of chemicals to treat psychoses.

Before you can do that you need to decide whoo needs treating. You need to be able to tell the difference between someone with depression and someone who is upset for a reason. Someone crying because their mother just died isn't psychotic.


The definition that we were given was that "a psychotic is someone who believes something that most people would not believe".


Now Buddahneo, I have news for you.

Most people don't believe that yoga is any different from other forms of light exercise and most people don't believe that, for example "Psychiatry is TERRORISM. They are linked with Al Qeada and are trying to take over the world with psychiatry".


Do you see what I'm hinting at here?

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If you had to design a state of the art machine gun that could take over a country, what would it look like? What if this machine gun was simply influence - sound waves, 'Music'? A way to generate force in the form of money or materials. Psychotic is the least of our worries, the cure now would be chaos; it's dangerous and considered a 'high-security' as we have weapons on mass destruction and around 6,000,000,000 people who erupt in to total chaos. Other religions implanted this, implanted music/sound/media to break free from their own land and become citizens.

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If you had to design a state of the art machine gun that could take over a country, what would it look like? What if this machine gun was simply influence - sound waves, 'Music'? A way to generate force in the form of money or materials. Psychotic is the least of our worries, the cure now would be chaos; it's dangerous and considered a 'high-security' as we have weapons on mass destruction and around 6,000,000,000 people who erupt in to total chaos. Other religions implanted this, implanted music/sound/media to break free from their own land and become citizens.


Word salad.

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Would you like me to take the time and explain fully rather than make an educated guess at what I'm probably trying to get across? ?


If that's the choice I'd rather you made an educated guess at what you are probably trying to get across.

Then I'd like you notice that it has nothing to do with this thread so you shouldn't post it here.

After that I'd like you to notice that it's gibberish so there's not a lot of point posting it elsewhere.


If you insist on posting it, please be sure to explain what testable hypotheses can me deduced form

"What if this machine gun was simply influence - sound waves, 'Music'?"


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Most of society are psychotic. What are you going to do about that?
Psychosis is a type of abnormality, if most of society is psychotic it's no longer abnormal. Who, exactly, is displaying: * Abnormal displays of emotion * Confusion * Depression and sometimes suicidal thoughts * Disorganized thought and speech * Extreme excitement (mania) * False beliefs (delusions) * Loss of touch with reality * Mistaken perceptions (illusions) * Seeing, hearing, feeling, or perceiving things that are not there (hallucinations) * Unfounded fear/suspicion
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