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1= Black hole

0 = Planet


Why must this be this way?




If you are working in binary then the numeral 2 is not defined.


So what exactly is your point about philosophy, the binary system, and space?


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Posted (edited)

The way space looks, if you look from far away. It looks like 3D binary. Spheres and Singularities. So it looks similar to binary. I think it's a philosiphical way to describe space. I wanted to put it on the boards but didn't know where, so I put it here.


I thought you would notice the similarity.




I put that because it's not literal binary, but a 3D version.


I was drunk when I made those threads last night - I just wrote what came to my head. The card thread was made cause I was playing cards and for the whole time I was just adding up numbers. I'm so inspired by science/maths at the moment that all I want to do is see patterns in anything. I won poker. I wrote the Gods word because really all we're meant to do is Eat, Drink, Breed. The rest is up to us. This was just me thinking of the planets as a whole, rather than each planet. I have weird thoughts, I'm hoping that one day I might have a thought that means something.

Edited by Klaplunk

I don't understand how you cannot see the simillarity. Firstly, the core of planets, secondly black holes. Black holes are 100% mass or what ever, and they are singularities as they do not expand, rather impand(? /care). The planets expand, into a sphere shape. So we have 0 - planet and 1 - black hole. Singularity, Duality.


Also, Light. It seems to beam out, where as gravity sucks in. Are you sure Light and Gravity are not 'masculine/feminine'.


what about things that are neither planet nor blackhole?


also, planets do not expand, any change in size requires external material to be added.


you're understanding of basic cosmology seems to be flawed and you assignations arbitrary.


you have also never explained why you think zero is a duality. zero is a single value.


To be "binary," space would have to be made up of exactly two irreducible components. Is a planet irreducible? (No.) Is there anything in the universe that is neither a planet nor a black hole? (Yes.)



What is it that exists in space that isn't a planet or a black hole OR what the two have caused, e.g rocks in space, etc, etc. My idea is, space is like a binary lifeforce, binary attraction. For example: Magnets. Rather than us exploring the planets, and travelling through space, we should take a look at the bigger picture. Gravity keeps light together. Why can it not be light and gravity keep each other together.


We have + and - with gravity and light, there for each planet and sun/star is a 0. Duality.

Then we have black holes, which induce the spin between the two OR they spin from each others magnet-like effect. I came up with the idea in school about have a gear of magnets, and a magnet that would spin them. What if the gears were hundreds of spheres. This won't work, however it's a good example of what point I'm making. Then you add the singularity option, the option to only attract, no repent. Think of it as 1 x magnet, that was plus/minus.


You add that to the equation and we're getting somewhere. The other magnets are attracted to the singularity, but attracted to each other. So we have a binary that looks somewhat like this:




Essentailly this would prove christianity right and science wrong, because the symbol is the lowest form of the religion.

Posted (edited)

Let there be light?

Add another singularity to the equation.




We are gods, we are essentially in gods image, alike god, we choose, we can make the choice to 'do' something. We are in Gods image, holy shit the bible is right.





Ok. This will be my last post on this topic.

I have proved to ->myself, that God exists. This is my voyage, I wanted to convince myself a God exists, I have. I believe the bible over another book - succesful. I'm not going to discuss it, or debate it any longer. If it's not good enough to talk about now, then it will never be. So, I apoligize and now I'm going to be more scientific.






...See/sense (know its there)





Everyone talks shit. Relaying numbers at each other, in the form of words, like this:

Me: 0000000000000000 0 0 0 0 000 000000000

You: 000 0 000 00 000 000000000000 00 00 0


When really we should be focusing on getting food, getting drink, breathing, seeing/sensing, feeling, then sleeping to regain energy. 7 days? 1st day gather water, 2nd day gather gather food, 3rd take a good breath, 4th day take a good look at what you got, 5th day, munch it, 6th day, control your food and drink, and your feelings, and your sight - 7th day, sleep.


This way of life.... It's good, it's reality now, it works, why care? Not true though, so when they tell you things they've learned about space, they're telling you porkies. You're being treated like fruit, just runnin around, buying shit, alcohol, watching tv (like me now), talking a load of numbers to you, and because you're attracted to it, you're a 0, too, you accept it. Sound, LOL




I'm not scared of anything! It's the education that induces most fears. A un-educated human would fear nothing - just work of instinct, live without any fears, encounter anything forcefully, attack or defend, run/stay. Addreniline is 'good'..., not bad. Fear is knowledge - academa is what you get your knowledge from.


2012 is the year of revolutions, people realize the truth OR.... sun explodes orgains full attraction. We are offically dissing God, and driving God to fuck off, thats the point of a 0000011 combination chain, either full 00000000 or 11111111. That's Gods choice.

Edited by Klaplunk

Gas clouds neither planet nor black hole. Also black holes, depending on how you define the radius but they do expand.


And on reading the rest of the thread, you need to go away and read up on science. And the basics of what you are trying to preach. Doing some stupid making stuff up proves nothing as I showed your threads ate quite easy to just change one word for another and they make as much sense as before.

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