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Animal revenge ?


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This topic I really did not know where to post... perhaps here ?


Do animals practice revenge ? :rolleyes:


In the wild, do confrontations among animals end later in what we know as vengeance or is it something only humans practice ? I cannot find examples...

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Revenge seems to be the mother of evil and wars, perhaps we can sense some of it in higher primates, but in general, other lower forms of life acting such behavior among same/other species seems rare; perhaps is very tied to memory and some sort of thinking, planning, strategy, with a lot of influence from the most powerful being the winner/survivor and the evolutive building of defenses...


If snakes always take say rats lives, rats do not seem to revenge attacking/defending the 'opressor' species, but perhaps they could jump to a snake neck and bite to death :mellow:


Hmmm... animals do not have wars... Wolves <--> hienas, they behave more like competitors than trying to exterminate each other.

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Once when I was a kid, I used my swimming board, which is made of styrofoam, to knock out a hornet as it flew pass. As I walk away at another direction, I felt something landed on top of my head and then it gave a painful sting.


I watched some documentaries which show lions and hyenas. Lions kill hyenas. Hyenas get away most of time, but they have shown before lions taking down single hyena. Hyenas take over lion's food, as they came in bigger groups. hyenas probably kill lion when they have the chance.

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