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Society of Jesus

I've recently conducted a vast amount of research on the Jesuits and the Society of Jesus. I now consider myself an asset to their cause and I will do whatever I can to spread their true message; which I won't do here as it's obviously against what science currently believes in. I will however explain exactly how I think they were judged unfairly, treated unfairly and banished for reasons no other than 'power hungry dictatorship'.


Rather than the usual message of God and religion as a whole, the Jesuits would use life elements rather than spiritual and fantasy-like 'man-made' elements to describe the true message of God. They were considered to be a pro-life group (the Society of Jesus), and they would interpret the holy books in their most primitive form -- the way the writers intended them to be interpreted. Substituting the definitions given by society and replacing them with their originals, for example; the Synagogue of Satan, is the government.


The Jesuits would venture through different countries and influence many citizens, too many in fact -- to a point where the governments that controlled them would have no choice but to repent and banish them from the lands, as the pro-life beliefs were against the governments pro-control beliefs. Therefore, their ideas were not wrong, but removed power from the power-hungry dictators and placed truth back into the minds of the people.


I'm not trying to offend anyone with the next statement, so if you are offended then that is really your problem, for I'm offended if what I'm about to say is true; in fact, extremely offended, much more than you would ever be. I understand that Jesuits may have been existent in Germany a number of years ago during the second world war, whilst Hitler conducted the mass slaughter of Jews that we know as the holocaust -- I don't believe it was Jews he killed; for one, Einstein claimed to be Jewish on many occasions, although I'm sure that there’s some 'pieces of evidence' (excuse my ad hominum) out there on the internet that will say that he 'didn't really care for the Religion'; for two, Hitler had relations that were Jewish and many connections that were Jewish; finally, I don’t' see exactly how Jews can be a burden to the 'advancement' of the human race -- and therefore that is my structure as to why I believe that Jesuits were killed.


In the present day the amount of Jesuits is decreasing, and the control of the government could not be better. However, God never loses and always catches up at one point, whether it be now or 10,000 years in the future -- one day God will get revenge. What I don't understand is why the Society of Jesus was frowned upon, "cause they talked nonsense," I expect to be the answer - wrong, saying that God is a man on the moon or another dimension being is wackier. It's because their beliefs held more logic to life, stability and brought more peace than what the government did, and that's why 'power-hungry-dictators' are the reason that right now there isn't world-peace, and there is weapons of mass destruction, famine, homosexuality, depletion of resource, etc. All these nihilistic elements brought into existence by the Synagogue of Satan.


The bible even says it, and if interpreted correctly it explains everything else that science had 'discovered' (proved); and don't get me started on the Hebrew version -- I imagine no one here understands Hebrew? I have a close friend who is sort of my research buddy, he's Egyptian by birth and speaks Hebrew fluently, he's translated it for me on many occasions, and that describes a totally different story to the one pasted in churches, on wikipedia and the internet alike. Could the translators really be that bad? I don't understand, adding words and altering the original message.


To conclude, Jesuits are the way to peace, the way to live a better life for everyone, the way to prevent nature from being destroyed and the way to bring all religions together as one. Current society will only bring war.


Government: War

Society of Jesus: Peace


Any questions?



Edited by 7th

Unfortunately I can't follow your argument when you try to make your connection between the Jesuits, the Jews, the Holocaust, Einstein, and Hitler. Perhaps you could reformulate it.


The problem of correctly translating the Bible so as to receive the message God really intended is an intractible one. First, the 'language' of the Bible was actually an overlay of many languages processing a message until little if anything was left of its original form. The ideas behind it started out as Aramaic in the New Testament, and then were transcribed by authors who thought in terms of Greek and Hebrew (e.g., St. Paul), so what language do we select as embodying the 'genuine' message in the palimpset?


But the 'radical indeterminacy of translation,' discussed by Quine, poses an even more difficult problem. Consider this example: In Aristotle's mind his firm belief in a humanitarian approach to the world was perfectly consistent with his equally firm belief that slavery was acceptable. But no one today, in any language, would find slavery and humanitarianism consistent beliefs. So how do we understand Aristotle's way of thinking, Aristotle's mind, or anything Aristotle is trying to tell us? The same problem undermines all efforts to understand what the authors of the Bible were saying. No matter how good the linguistic translation of their message might be, we can never understand their peculiar mindset, so we cannot comprehend the message they are supposedly so desperate to communicate accurately to us.


For this reason, it seems absurd to believe that God could have used such a feeble means of communicating his divine message as the Bible. Wouldn't his omniscience allow him to have anticipated Quine's radical indeterminacy of translation problem?

Posted (edited)

The message of God is clear, peace and love, good deeds and eternal life around the world for everyone. The message the Jesuits attempted to get across was that God can be found in created-things, spreading God's message further accross humanity, with greater ease and no need for dispute between different beliefs, as it combined every belief for "Ad majorem Dei gloriam" (the Greater Glory of God). When I interpret the bible, I do not interpret it personally as I believe in humanity as a whole and that not one human is 'a' human, but rather a part of the bigger picture (humanity); so ones evil deeds has an effect on all of us; an example being the 9/11 attacks, it shook the whole world, however I don't believe it was as evil as it may have seemed, and I'll explain that further on.


Jesuits were driven out of empires and countries for influencing too many people to join their cause, to bring peace, spread the true message of God (love and peace, good deeds and eternal life + more), and give citizens their freedom -- which they have a right to have, as they are human and neither one of them 'a' human. We know that Jesuits believed God could be found in created-things, we can start to interpret religion with a ~Jesuit frame of mind~, rather than a fantasy-like almost unbelievable story: for the Greater Glory of God. This is what Jesuits believed Jesus Christ wished, and for him they would surrender their lives to help the world, as it gave them peace of mind knowing that they were doing the best they could to bring peace to the world.


I do not believe it's immoral in anyway to kill or punish those who do not believe in eternal life, for spreading death is worse; only bringing hatred and war, disputes between beliefs and destroying humanity as a whole. If it's possible to give everyone peace of mind, freedom and a better life then why should it be prohbitted; if it would bring religions together then, for the Greater Glory of God, it should be influenced. If we continue with our evil ways and destroy nature, gradually we destroy our mother (the cold) and our father will punish us (the heat). We are already being punished by God for repenting his message in the form of: homosexuality (through education against God), weapons of mass destruction, depletion of resource, famine, man-made diseases and much more. Almost all evil and unfairness in the world is due to our own ignorance, and if the bible is interpreted with a ~Jesuit frame of mind~ then you will surely know.


To the 9/11 attacks, 3000+ people died, but all were sinners for they worked against the will of God and rather for Satan -- not one of them deserved eternal life, no matter how strong their faith was, and that's due to the evil education and media that taught them that the road they were taking was correct; given false morals to literally beleive that what they were doing was harmless. And the after effect was for the greater good, a gigantic dip in the econemy which prevented much of nature being depleted and caused disruption in the flow of the evil controlling society we live in. When you look at the attacks with a ~Jesuit frame of mind~, everything changes. Does it mean that God hated the people in the building, of course God didn't, God hated what the building stood for, and as I said before, God always wins.


On terms of homosexuality, I do not want to rid the world of it, I think it should be controlled so it's not bred into society, colonizing is a brilliant idea. It doesn't mean they cannot recieve outside contact, but at least they are in one place where maybe they can find God and turn straight. If they cannot do it for the world then they do not deserve to be part of humanity; if a homosexual believes that "he/she should have as much rights as anyone," he/she is correct, but that also means he/she has the same burden we all carry, and that's protecting humanity.


I hope that cleared things up. If not please provide more simplified questions; I do best to avoid gaining too much knowledge that may lead me in the wrong direction, so some of the questions you asked were a bit too complex for my uneducated mind.

Edited by 7th
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