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Give the systematic name for Alanine...?


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Okay it gives the structure for alanine:




H2N -- C -- COOH



Then it says: Give the systematic name for alanine.


I don't know how to name amino acids, so can someone tell me how to?



Edited by Geek
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I'm guessing that would be the IUPAC name unless there is a biochemistry standard (not single letters) that I am unaware of.


correction: It would seem that the IUPAC name is "alanine."


I'll look into this.


I'm guessing this: 2-aminopr​opanoic a​cid


Seems right.



(1) http://www.chemspider.com/RecordView.aspx?rid=16d6aa47-930c-4fb9-90dc-35e024d2cd55

(2) http://www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/iupac/AminoAcid/AA1n2.html#AA1




Nice way of representing your structure.

Edited by Genecks
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