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Retired Military Personnel To Confirm UFO Incursions at American Nuclear Weapons Sites


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Retired Military Personnel To Confirm UFO Incursions at American Nuclear Weapons Sites




Consider it the second barrel of the double-barreled shotgun, or the "two" of the proverbial "one-two punch"; the first being Leslie Kean's new book, UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record and now the upcoming press conference being co-hosted by researcher Robert Hastings and former missleer (Minuteman I launch officer - Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander) Bob Salas.


Hastings writes:


"Declassified U.S. government documents and the testimony of more than 120 former or retired military personnel have established, beyond doubt, the reality of ongoing UFO incursions at American nuclear weapons sites. While most of the incidents apparently involved mere surveillance, in a few cases a significant number of nuclear missiles suddenly and simultaneously malfunctioned, just as USAF Security Policemen reported seeing disc-shaped craft hovering nearby.


One day, if the past is any representation of the future, I expect to see something like what happened in Iraq at the start of the Iraq war. An American high official will be on a podium outside saying that reports of UFOs landing around the capital are completely baseless and should not be believed. As alien space craft slowly pass by in the back round and aliens wave to the camera, :doh:

Edited by Moontanman
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