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Hey guys.


I'm going over my notes in class and I probably missed something the professor said, because one of the steps makes no sense to me. I was hoping someone could give me a hint on what's going on.


We're doing basic non-degenerate perturbation at the moment, and in this case we examined the first-order correction for the harminic oscillator with H1 defined as [math]\lambda x^4[/math]


So, H0 is obvious (the usual solution for the harmonic oscillator), but then we move on to try and get the H1 correction. My professor used a(dagger) and a for it.


[math]H_0=(a a^{\dagger}+\frac{1}{2})\hbar \omega[/math]


Ground States





And so N|n>=n|n>


And I also know that:






And also






And hence I can rewrite my x to say:




So far so good, we went on to try and find the first correction by stating that since H1 has the fourth power, it will look like:

[math]H_1=\lambda \left( \frac{\hbar}{2m\omega} \right)^2 (a+a^{\dagger})^4[/math]




[math] (a+a^{\dagger})^4 = a^2a^{\dagger 2}+a a^{\dagger}aa^{\dagger}+a^{\dagger}a^{2}a^{\dagger}+a^{\dagger 2}a + aa^{\dagger 2} a+a^{\dagger}aa^{\dagger}a+ ... [/math]

[math]a^{2}a^{\dagger 2}+a^{\dagger 2}a^{2}+(N+1)^2+N(N+1)+(N+1)N+N^2=[/math]

[math]a^{2}a^{\dagger 2}+a^{\dagger 2}a^{2}+(2N+1)^2[/math]


Now, I'm having two problems of understanding here.. First, what are those ellipses sign up there in the first line of the solution? Why can we ignore the *rest* of this equation..? second, where did all the a/a-dagger multiplications go? I remember that there is an issue of orthogonality, but I'm not sure I understand why we seemed to have lost all those ..


I'm a bit confused here.


Okay, I worked out the question from scratch and I think I figured it out. If I set




Then it works out. I'm not quite sure why N+1 is the reversed action, though, I see it in my notes, but I'm not sure where it came from... help?



Also, I'm trying to solve the same question now but with a different definition of H1. This time,



The strategy is the same, but I get stuck at the end because this time I don't have pairs of a/a-dagger... meh. Not sure how to proceed:


[math](a+a^{\dagger})^3=a^{\dagger 3}+a^{3}+(a^{\dagger}a^{\dagger}a+a^{\dagger}aa^{\dagger}+aa^{\dagger}a^{\dagger}+a^{\dagger}aa+aa^{\dagger}a+aaa^{\dagger})=[/math]


[math]=a^{\dagger 3}+a^{3}+[ a^{\dagger}(N+1)a^{\dagger}(N)+Na^{\dagger}+(N+1)a+a(N+1)+aN ]=[/math]


[math]=a^{\dagger 3}+a^{3}+[ a^{\dagger}(N(N+1))+Na^{\dagger}+(N+1)a+a((N+1)N) ]=[/math]


[math]=a^{\dagger 3}+a^{3}+\left[ (a^{\dagger}+a)(N^2+N)+Na^{\dagger}+(N+1)a \right] =[/math]


... and now what? I'm stuck. Help?


Okay, I think I at least know where I get stuck -- in the bra-ket notation. I'm following my prof's method, and separated the above equation into 4 parts for ease of solving.


First and second parts should be relatively easy:




[math]<n+3|a^{\dagger 3}|n>=\sqrt{(n+1)(n+2)(n+2)}[/math]







These.. I think.. should be right. I'm very confused, though, so I hope I didn't mess it up.


My problem is (a) did I do the above right? and (B) the next part, that has Ns in it:











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