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Highschool Project

Genius D'lima

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Hi, my name's scott and i'm currently in grad 11 chemistry, i hope this is the right place to post this :[

k so, we were given each a topic to research on and i'm doing PABA, i really need alot more information than i already have and i can't seem to find it, are there any sites someone can recommend for more data and stuff?


the basic criteria for the project is: chemical structure and properties, risks and benefits to human health, and alternatives to using it. *to get a good mark or go beyond, including figures/tables is good* however idk wut tables or figures i could get -_- and why is it dangerous?

Edited by Genius D'lima
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As far as properties go, you could discuss the effects of the -NH2 group and the -COOH group on physical properties like solubility, boiling point, and melting point. Here's a good place for a table. Compare PABA to other similar benzene derivitives like aniline, benzoic acid, phenol, or benzene itself with respect to physical properties.


I don't know if your at the level of simple organic synthesis or not. If so, a reaction scheme would be very nice. Look up reduction of aromatic nitro-compounds. These reactions are easy to understand and are very relevant to your topic.


Also, look up sulfonamide drugs. I happen to have an interest in these because they have "cool" preperations. Related search terms might include: folate, anti-bacterial compounds, aniline derivatives, benzoic acid derivatives...


Good Luck

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