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mater in chidbirth


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if the entire matter of the universe was present at the big bang , how do we explain child birth ? new atoms must be produced to grow an infant . after all we choose to reproduce , therefore the population grows . but where did the atoms come frome ?

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the soil. the atoms in the soild come from dead plants. that goes back in a big cycle until you get the rocks that eroded when the earth was young and before that they were in the dustcloud that formed our solar system and before that they wer formed in the heart of a supernova and before that they were hydrogen atoms within a star and before that they were part of the intergalactic medium and before that they were photons from the big bang.

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the soil. the atoms in the soild come from dead plants. that goes back in a big cycle until you get the rocks that eroded when the earth was young and before that they were in the dustcloud that formed our solar system and before that they wer formed in the heart of a supernova and before that they were hydrogen atoms within a star and before that they were part of the intergalactic medium and before that they were photons from the big bang.


but there are billions more people now than millions of years ago . also the bones of animals and people are still in the ground . we dig fossiles up from ages ago . they still presumably are made up of atoms . bottom line is we are producing material things at an enormous rate . theres got to be more matter now than when the planet was formed

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but there are billions more people now than millions of years ago . also the bones of animals and people are still in the ground . we dig fossiles up from ages ago . they still presumably are made up of atoms . bottom line is we are producing material things at an enormous rate . theres got to be more matter now than when the planet was formed


Whenever we build something, the raw materials usually come out of the ground.


As far as new plant and animal growth, you should look up the nitrogen cycle as well as the carbon cycle.


A good example might be our breathing in of oxygen and breathing out of carbon dioxide. Plants then take up our carbon dioxide waste, use it in their various cellular processes and "exhale" oxygen that we later breath in and start the cycle over.

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