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Why G W Bush is the World's Leading Terrorist!


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Not a theory....an explanation for logical minds:





Analysis by TvNewsLIES.org


"Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives." - US Federal Bureau of Investigation


Read the sentence carefully. You didn’t hear it on any corporate media newscast since 9/11. It’s the official US FBI definition of terrorism. In its official definition, the FBI does not limit terrorism to stateless individuals or groups. In its official definition, the FBI does not suggest that terrorism cannot be perpetrated by the leader of a nation state. But even more amazing is that the official FBI definition of terrorism describes exactly what George Bush did in the aftermath of the attacks of 9/11!



George W. Bush, in his unprovoked attack against the sovereign nation of Iraq, openly violated the UN Charter, to which the US is a signatory. The Charter's core principles contained in Article 2(4) and Article 51 prohibit one nation from attacking another except in self-defense or with the authority of the U.N. In effect, George Bush launched an unlawful use of force against persons and property.


The invasion launched by George W. Bush was heralded by the most frightening and powerful use of force and military violence in recent history. His Shock and Awe bombardment of Baghdad was designed to intimidate and coerce the government as well as the civilian population of that nation to change its existing leadership. That, in itself, was a political objective.


The purpose of the invasion and ensuing occupation of Iraq was to replace the existing dictatorship with an American-backed form of democracy that would not permit the emergence of a government headed by the majority Shia religious leadership. These motives were unquestionably political and social.


So, what part of the FBI definition of “terrorism” do the voters of the United States not understand? And what acts of terrorism as defined by the FBI do the voters of the United States not recognize? Is there any doubt at all that the Bush administration committed acts of terrorism when it unlawfully used force and violence against the nation of Iraq to intimidate and coerce its government and the civilian population, in furtherance of the Bush/PNAC political and social objectives.


Therefore, by any definition, if George W. Bush is guilty of terrorism, he can accurately be identified as a TERRORIST. And if he is truly a terrorist, it is only fitting that George W. Bush be scrutinized in terms of his success in that capacity. What is his standing among the other murderous terrorist activity in the world today? Is it possible that George W. Bush actually has claim to being the very BEST at something during his reign in office? Let’s look at the figures.


Much more in full article:



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What if the attack is in response to a terrorist? Not saying this was the case, but how do you punish a terrorist?


Saddam and Iraq needed to submit to resolutions and they did not. He bluffed and was called. An expensive bluff for both sides.


Bush rushed to action and strayed off course, but to call him a terrorist is off base. The people celebrated remember?

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While I think labeling him a terrorist is a bit harsh, he did base the entire iraq war on lies. The only difference between now and then, is we know they were lies.


Saddam was a bad man, killed lots of people, but show me a society that hasn't. Even the great USA is built on a destroyed nation of american indians. How many died so the USA could become the power it is?

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"Hello, kettle? This is the pot. You're black!"


Funny how a literal definition traps the W. Let's not forget the folks around the world who supply nasty things to viscious people: http://www.thememoryhole.org/corp/iraq-suppliers.htm

I wish I had a list of corporations that supply terrorists (or is this it?).

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