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LHC really 'recreats Big Bang conditions' ??

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Some scientists say, that the LHC can "recreate the conditions [quite close to] of the Big Bang". But, what if our Cosmos is Closed ? Then, mere moments after the Big Bang, Space was still "Hyper-Curved", compared to today, after space has expanded for 14 G.yr., and is not very far from Flat. Unless the LHC can recreate those conditions of Hyper-Closed-Curvature, as the "backdrop" for the LHC particle collisions, then High Energy collisions in Flat space (today) != High-Energy collisions in Hyper-Curved Closed space ('Big Bang') (conveying the concept, if being a little imprecise w/ words).

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Analysis of the microwave background radiation conclusively shows large scale euclidean geometry; our universe is flat. For the universe to be closed, it must have positive curvature.

Edited by ydoaPs
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Some scientists say, that the LHC can "recreate the conditions [quite close to] of the Big Bang".



posted Nov 28 2010, 02:09 AM


Look at the line 5 from the bottom.


+ Dark Energy in the vacuum

It's similar to Big Bang condition.

It's our best result at the present.

Edited by alpha2cen
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